Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry, and Astana Hub will allocate up to 3 thousand vouchers for training specialists in private IT schools.

On September 1, the acceptance of applications from private IT schools for up to 3,000 vouchers for the training of Kazakhstani specialists will start. It's possible within the framework of the Tech Orda IT specialty training program launched by the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the international technopark of IT start-ups Astana Hub.

The Tech Orda program was initiated as part of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021, where the Government is tasked with training at least 100 thousand qualified IT personnel by 2025. According to the results of the first stream of the Tech Orda program, 13 private schools got the funding in 2021 to train 100 students. The amount of funding for each student amounted to 600 thousand tenge. This year, 3 thousand Kazakhstanis will receive a similar amount for training in IT specialties. By 2025, according to the Tech Orda program, it is planned to train 20 thousand students in IT schools. "Thanks to the Tech Orda program, Kazakhstanis have a unique opportunity to receive high-quality free IT education in private programming schools. We need to nurture IT talents and strengthen Kazakhstan's innovation sector, and our country needs young, creative, motivated specialists. The program's implementation will have a multiplicative effect in the form of high-quality projects in the future," said Bagdat Musin, Minister of Digital Development, Innovation, and Aerospace Industry. To participate in the program, IT schools must: Become a member of Astana Hub by clause 17 of the List of priority activities in the field of ICT. The status provides an IT school with tax exemption and several other benefits. Pass the accreditation process of the school and courses through an independent commission, with the critical criteria being the duration of the system for more than six months, training of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan aged 18 to 45 years. Based on accreditation results, independently recruit students who want to study IT specialties. You can find additional information on participation in the Tech Orda on the official website of the tech park

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