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How to get accredited the first time

All suppliers who wish to participate in procurement on the Eurasian Electronic Portal are accredited. Suppliers are accredited once a year. Sometimes the accreditation period expires at the most inopportune moment, right before the purchase. Then you need to apply for accreditation urgently. If there are errors in the supplier's accreditation data, the operator returns the request for revision, and then the supplier risks not being able to submit the documents for the lot. In the article we tell you what mistakes suppliers most often make, how to get accredited quickly and without mistakes.

Check the documents

The accreditation operators check the documents of the suppliers according to the official Egov certificates. For example, if the legal address is indicated in the official certificate and it differs from the address indicated in the attached accreditation documents, then this is an error. If an incomplete address is specified in the documents, for example, the city district is not specified, the operator will also return your request for revision.

What data are the operators checking in the documents?:

  • Full name of the first supervisor,
  • legal address,
  • OKED,
  • the size of the enterprise, etc.

 The information in the scanned documents must match those indicated in the Egov certificate.

Check the contact phone number

The operators check the phone number of the supplier. To check the phone, the operators call the number indicated in the application. If you leave someone else's or an erroneous number, the operator will not be able to reach you. If the operator cannot reach you more than 3 times, it returns the request for clarification.

Someone else's number

The phone number you don't use

Incomplete number:+7 777 123 45 6_

Phone number with errors:+7 777 123 45 6(+7 777 !23 45 67

Your number

Your primary number

Full number:+7 777 123 45 67

Phone number without errors:+7 777 123 45 67

Check your bank account

Sometimes it happens that suppliers forget to specify the default bank account. In this case, the portal operator returns the accreditation data for clarification. To add a bank account, go to the "Organization Profile — Bank Accounts" menu.

"Organization profile — Bank accounts", "Add" button —Set as default

Check the OKED

The operators of the Eurasian Electronic Portal check the organization's OKED according to the Bureau of National Statistics ( ). If the organization's CED is on If it differs from the OKED on the portal, then the application for accreditation will be returned for revision.

The organization's registration data on

 Registration data of the organization on the Common Economic Space and in The bureaus of national statistics should be identical.

Checklist for suppliers

The checklist specifies which fields to fill in and which documents to attach. Before submitting the documents for accreditation, check the checklist to make sure that all the information is correct and that all the documents are attached to the application.

Download the accreditation checklist

Customers work with accredited suppliers, this rule is invariable for all participants in purchases. A supplier without accreditation will not be able to apply for purchases.Learn more about supplier accreditation in the Common Economic Space

There are two types of accreditation on the Eurasian electronic portal: regular and accelerated. Regular accreditation takes five business days, accelerated — one. If you are in a hurry, then order an expedited method.

In the application form for accreditation, select the accelerated method.

How to choose an accreditation method and apply:help video tutorial

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