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What is marketing research?

Customers conduct marketing research to study current prices on the market and collect preliminary offers. In this case, suppliers submit price offers, and customers can enter into a direct contract with the supplier who submitted the best offer.

For example, a customer is planning to purchase parts for new special equipment, but does not know how much they will cost. To understand the prices at which suppliers are willing to arrange delivery, the customer conducts a marketing study. 

  1. The customer creates a request for marketing research on a specific product, attaches documentation, and describes the requirements. The customer can specify the price at which he is ready to buy the product.
  2. The customer publishes the marketing research on the portal.
  3. Suppliers make price offers to the customer. The price offers may be more than the customer stated, or they may be less.

Marketing research does not imply that the purchase will necessarily be carried out. For example, the customer conducted research and accepted commercial offers. Even if the supplier has offered a favorable price, this does not mean that the buyer is guaranteed to conclude the contract. The customer decides what to do next.

After conducting the marketing research, the customer can:

✔conclude a direct contract with the supplier; 

✔Re-conduct the marketing research;

✔publish a purchase announcement and organize a competition;

✔cancel the purchase.

Marketing research helps customers navigate the market and collect price offers. By participating in marketing research, suppliers have a chance to conclude a contract if the customer is interested in a commercial offer, or to participate in an official purchase after the marketing research.

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