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Monitoring of Astana Hub residents: compliance and financial transparency

The Astana Hub Monitoring Service has identified violations in the activities of a number of participants that do not meet the established requirements of the technopark. The main deviations are related to income generation from areas that are not included in the List of priority activities in the field of information and communication technologies (IOT in the field of ICT).

According to Article 293 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, companies registered in the technopark must receive income exclusively from activities that comply with the LDPE in the field of ICT. However, the analysis showed that some participants violate these requirements. In one case, a company operating through a specialized real estate rental platform accepted the entire amount of client payments, including rent, utilities and maintenance, into its account. This contradicts the principle of a platform business, where income should be generated solely from commission fees. The company's financial statements were distorted because all receipts were accounted for as income, not as transit payments.

In another case, the company announced a platform-based IT solution for automated interaction between customers and performers. However, the actual work was done manually through third-party tools without their own CRM system and the necessary level of digitalization. Instead of a full-fledged IT platform, a simple website with a list of services was used, which does not meet the requirements of the technopark. In addition, accounting, legal and consulting services have been identified in the company's activities that do not relate to the field of ICT and cannot be the main activity of Astana Hub participants.

These cases emphasize the importance of proper financial accounting and strict compliance with the types of activities provided for in the LDPE. Companies operating through platform solutions need to clearly distinguish between transit payments and actual income, as well as comply with accounting rules. Participation in the technopark involves activities in the field of information and communication technologies, and the provision of accounting, legal and consulting services does not meet these criteria.

Astana Hub continues to monitor participants to ensure transparency, correct accounting and compliance with the requirements of LDPE and technopark.

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