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Is it necessary to organize a second technology and innovation support center from WIPO and NIIS in my native Shymkent?

The WIPO Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TIC) program allows inventors from CIS countries (and internationally even Esperanto as well) to gain access to high-quality technical information and related services stored in local databases, thereby providing conditions for realizing the innovative potential of such inventors, as well as for creating new products and for registration, protection and control of intellectual property (IP) rights to it.

The range of CPT services includes:

  • providing access to patent and non-patent (scientific and technical) online resources and publications on the subject of IP;
  • assistance in conducting a search and obtaining technical information;
  • database search training;
  • conducting a search on request (novelty, known state of the art and violation of rights);
  • tracking the level of technology development and competitor behavior;
  • providing basic information on legislation, management principles and strategies in the field of industrial property, as well as on methods of commercialization and marketing of technologies.

You can do .jsp?country_id=97 one CPU or two at once - I suggest to SKMA or in the Shymkent hub

Details on:

There is more of this good in Russia and other countries and cities

Technology and Innovation Support centers are

1. The status of a participant in the international WIPO project on the creation of a CTI network in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Getting free access not only to abstracts, but also to full-text patent databases (which is usually paid for users) and non-patent information resources of Kazpatent (NIIS).

3. Free training of the CPT staff in the skills of working with patent databases.

4. Providing sets of patent documentation on optical DVD-ROM discs.

5. Providing access to the Eurasian Patent Information System (EAPATIS) within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between EAPO and NIIS.

6. Free training of the CTI staff and provision of scientific, methodological and practical materials on the activities of the CTI with the participation of representatives of WIPO.

7. Free distance learning for CPT staff in courses (for all specialized courses).

8. Assistance in conducting scientific and practical conferences and seminars on topical issues of the theory and practice of legal protection and the use of RID and means of individualization with the invitation of foreign experts.

9. Participation in thematic meetings with leading NIIS specialists on videoconferencing.

10. Provision of scientific, methodological and informational materials of WIPO and NIIS on the basics of legal protection of intellectual property results, search technologies, etc.

11. Assistance in the organization of workplaces in the CPT for filing applications in electronic form, provision of appropriate software, provision of technical and consulting assistance to centers, training of CPT employees on this issue, which allows applications to be submitted electronically, which reduces the cost of patenting.

In order to create a CPT in the region, it is necessary to first verify the existence of an existing agreement between the NIIS and the government of the region in which the business entity is located. In the absence of an agreement, it is necessary to initiate its signing.

A three-level system of centers is being implemented in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of the project to create a network of CTI.

The main function of the CPT of the 1st level is the provision of services in the areas of activity of the CPT, the same as the CPT of the 2nd level.

The only difference between the 1st and 2nd CPT is the presence of a coordinating function. The 1st-level TSCs coordinate the activities of the 2nd and 3rd-level centers, receive reports from them and send them to the NIIS.

The level 1 CPT is created on the basis of a cooperation agreement between the NIIS and an economic entity defined as a level 1 CPT in a Cooperation Agreement concluded between the NIIS and the government of the region.

The level 2 CPT is created on the basis of a tripartite agreement between the NIIS, the business entity that created the level 1 CPT and the business entity on the basis of which the level 2 center will be created. Level 2 TSCs have rights and responsibilities similar to Level 1 TSCs, and are provided with the same resources and consulting support.

The 3rd-level CPT is also created on the basis of a tripartite agreement between the NIIS, the business entity that created the 1st/2nd-level CPT and the business entity on the basis of which the 3rd-level center will be created.

If the subjects on the basis of which the CPT of the 1st and 2nd level are created are organized on the basis of scientific, industrial and/or educational organizations of higher education, then the CPT of the 3rd level can be created on the basis of state budgetary educational institutions for additional education of children, secondary education, state centers for children's creativity, on the basis of other organizations helping students to use their creative potential, create IP objects and manage their rights.

1. Basic level:

1.1. Providing free access to patent and non-patent information resources of NIIS;

1.2. Provision of consulting assistance on the use of databases specified in clause 1.1;

1.3. Providing access to free foreign patent and non-patent information resources (in particular, Patentscope, Espacenet);

1.4. Organization of distance learning according to the programs of the WIPO Academy.

2. Additional services:

2.1. Provision of general information on legislation in the field of intellectual property, as well as regulatory acts of the NIIS on registration and filing applications for obtaining security documents and maintaining them in force;

2.2. Training in the skills of conducting searches in specialized databases in the field of IP (conducting training seminars);

2.3. Providing basic licensing recommendations;

2.4. Informing about the possibility of obtaining consultations from intellectual property specialists;

2.5. Participation in the organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences, seminars and other events in the region on the issues of legal protection and use of intellectual property results, patent research;

2.6. Consulting on general issues of registration and filing of applications for patents for an invention, utility model, industrial design, applications for state registration of a trademark and service mark, computer programs, databases, integrated circuit topology;

2.7. Advising on general issues of filing applications in electronic form for inventions, trademarks and service marks, as well as documents attached to these applications;

2.8. Provision of services for filing applications in electronic form for inventions, trademarks and service marks, as well as documents attached to these applications, using the hardware and software of the CPT and the certificate of electronic signature of the representative of the CPT issued by the Certification Center of the NIIS;

2.9. Providing applicants with access to the hardware and software of the CPT installed by the NIIS for the electronic filing of applications using the applicant's electronic signature certificate.

The above-listed services are provided in the centers free of charge in connection with the provision of full-text patent databases of NIIS for free, free scientific and methodological support for the activities of the centers and free training of the staff of the Center for a year (two seminars and a congress of the centers).

The expansion of the activities of the CPT is envisaged through the introduction of additional services, which can also be carried out on a paid basis.

1. Registration of documents for obtaining the rights to the REED;

2. Provision of consulting services on the development and implementation of the patent strategy of an economic entity;

3. Conducting patent research, including research on the technical level and trends in the development of business entities, their patentability, patent purity, competitiveness based on patent and other information, and preparing reports on patent research;

4. Development of recommendations on obtaining (registration) legal protection for the identified R&D results and their use in civil turnover;

5. Analysis of commercial activities based on patent information, including licensing activities of developers (organizations and firms), manufacturers (suppliers) of products and firms providing services, their patent policies to identify competitors, potential counterparties, licensors and licensees, cooperation partners; preparation of reports on patent landscapes;

6. Research of the technical level of objects of economic activity, identification of trends, justification of the forecast of their development;

7. Monitoring of scientific, technical and innovative potential, intellectual resources of the regions;

8. Assessment of the commercial potential of scientific and technical developments;

9. Conducting marketing research in order to select market-relevant projects;

10. Provision of consulting services on the development and implementation of a strategy for the commercialization of rights to READ;

11. Development of draft license agreements, determination of the license price;

12. Development of business plans for innovative projects;

13. Valuation of the rights to READ;

14. Development of recommendations for determining the royalties for the use of the rights to the RID;

15. Technical services (copying and scanning materials, printing documents on a printer, typing on a computer, e-mail services, displaying information search results on paper and electronic media, etc.).;-42#pos=34;-42

The business entity on the basis of which the CPT is created must have:

- premises owned or otherwise legally necessary for the provision of services in the areas of activity of the CPT;

- at least two personal computers with an established reliable Internet connection for quick access to information resources, as well as a set of office equipment;

- at least 2 specialists in the staff with experience in the field of intellectual property and innovation, with sufficient qualifications to provide a list of services regulated by the contract.