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Digital Project Competition of the Eurasian Development Bank

The organizer of the Contest: The Fund for Digital Initiatives of the Eurasian Development Bank.

The purpose and objectives of the Competition: Strengthening the interconnections of the member States of the Eurasian Development Bank (the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Tajikistan) through the support and implementation of digital integration projects (hereinafter referred to as the Project).

Integration is understood as cooperation and cooperation between the states and organizations of the Eurasian space, the creation of common markets and infrastructures, harmonization and unification, as well as the intensification of mutual flows of goods, services, capital, labor, technologies, the establishment of new and (or) strengthening of existing contacts between companies, entrepreneurs, developers, scientific, technological and others. actors.

There are NO restrictions on the areas and industries for participation in the Competition.

The tender application (hereinafter referred to as the Application) must be submitted by e–mail to the Eurasian Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as the Bank). up to and including January 31, 2025. Applications are accepted in Russian. The Application sheets containing signatures and seals must be submitted in scanned form.

All materials submitted by the contestant will not be returned or reviewed.

  • Previously submitted and rejected Projects within the framework of the Competition, without significant changes (modifications).;
  • They do not meet the requirements for the composition, design and submission of Applications.
  • Submitted after the end date of their admission.
  • Applications from individuals and individual entrepreneurs.

In case of rejection of the Application, the contestant will receive an e-mail notification to the address specified in the Application.

Participants who meet the following criteria are allowed to participate in the Competition:

  • It is a legal entity, an international organization, and a public authority of the Bank's member State, established (registered) and operating in the territory of the Bank's member State.;
  • He has at least 2 years of experience in the digital field, as well as successful experience in implementing digital projects.;
  • According to the results of the last reporting year, according to the financial statements, there are no losses;
  • Has the number of full-time employees necessary to implement the Project submitted for the Competition according to the declared quality and deadlines.;
  • At the time of filing the Application, there is no unfulfilled obligation to pay taxes, fees, insurance premiums, penalties, fines and interest payable in accordance with the legislation of the State of registration.;
  • At the time of filing the Application, there are no outstanding obligations with respect to the Bank and other creditors. 

The bids and additional materials of the participant of the Contest must not violate the property rights, copyrights, related, personal, civil, contractual and other rights of third parties, as well as damage their honor, dignity and business reputation. Until otherwise specified, all copyrights to the entries belong to the participant who submitted them. If it is established that the Application contains materials of which the bidder is not the copyright holder, these materials will be immediately removed from free access at the first request of the legitimate copyright holder.

If the Bank submits claims for damages for posting information about the results of intellectual activity owned by third parties (not a participant in the Competition), the participant of the Competition must settle all disputes and disagreements with such third parties independently and at its own expense, as well as reimburse all documented losses of the Bank and court costs incurred in connection with such claims. 

The application submitted for the Competition must consist of the following documents::

  • The form according to Appendix No. 1 to this Announcement of the Competition (in xls/xlsx format);
  • Application for participation in the Competition in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Announcement of the Competition;
  • Project Presentation;
  • Information about the contestant (in the form of a presentation);
  • Estimate and financial and economic model/financial and economic justification of the Project (in xls/xlsx format).

Application for participation

Project data form

The Project presentation should contain the following information (in one document):

  • Goals and objectives of the project;
  • Relevance and novelty of the project;
  • Description of the final digital product (architecture, technology, and functionality of the digital product);
  • Main Product Services;
  • Specifying service users / the target audience of the project;
  • Potential market size and competitor analysis;
  • Integration factor and effect (to indicate how the project can strengthen economic and social relations between the EDB countries);
  • Projected key project indicators;
  • Risk analysis, including the level of project autonomy (dependence on the implementation of steps and tasks outside the project itself);
  • Information about a prototype, test, or working version of a digital product (if available);
  • A list of third-party components used in the development of a digital product, indicating their copyright holders and their distribution licenses, as well as the third-party software solutions necessary for the operation of such a product;
  • Project commercialization plan (if there is a commercial component);
  • The period of relevance of the information provided by the participant in the Application and additional materials (at least 3 months from the date of its submission).

The information about the participant of the Competition must contain:

  • General information about the company developing the digital product;
  • Corporate structure;
  • Share capital structure;
  • Information about the Project team and the relevance of the experience.The necessary documents are available on the page: Digital Project Competition

The winners of the Competition will be invited to apply for financing from the Fund (in accordance with the procedure established by the relevant internal regulatory documents of the Bank) in the form of borrowed, equity (equity) and other types of financing on terms of urgency, payment and repayment, or on a grant (irrevocable and gratuitous) basis.

Winning the Competition is not a guarantee and/or an obligation of the Bank to provide financing for the Project, but it is an additional significant factor when applying for financing from the Fund.

The Organizer also conducts an information campaign in relation to the winners of the Competition, including by means of posting press releases, informing interested parties, etc.

The validity period of the offer made by the Bank to the winner of the Competition may not exceed 6 months from the date of its transmission by the Bank.

THE DEADLINE FOR ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS IS January 31, 2025 inclusive. Applications are accepted electronically (the application and other materials containing the participant's signatures and seals must be submitted in scanned form) by e-mail .

In the subject of the letter, the word "COMPETITION" is indicated first, followed by the name of the project and its field (tourism, fintech, trade, etc.).

!Do not send applications and documents with links to yandex.disk if the entire volume does not go through - by several letters with files.

The planned deadline for summing up the results of the Competition is May 30, 2025.

To receive information about the progress of the Contest and to receive answers to additional questions, subscribe to the Telegram channel.:


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