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Generating contracts without a lawyer

I was dumped. This phrase can be applied to both performers and freelance clients. In my four years of experience as a designer of websites, presentations and applications (popularly UX/UI), my every third customer has encountered this, which is why they have a wild fear of working with at least designers remotely. 

And this is not surprising! Few people want to fall for a "recommended designer" in an urgent situation, who asks for money in advance, is late with deadlines and sometimes, unfortunately, stops responding to your messages forever.

This is also true for decent employees (targeting specialists, motion designers, programmers, SMM specialists, etc.) who faithfully fulfill their part, devoting a lot of their efforts and time to this, and as a result, the customer merges. And you'll be lucky if you took an advance payment, but newcomers to the field rarely manage to take any order unless they agree to receive all the money only after completing the task.

There are several solutions to this problem, and here are the main ones:

1) Work through a freelance exchange. If you agree with the client about payment through exchanges such as , upwork, kwork or workzilla, then you can ensure safe operation and the safety of your money before fulfilling your duties. I used to work on one of these myself and sometimes used it for new clients who either couldn't pay directly or wanted to protect themselves. Of the advantages, it can also be noted that for those developing a career on a freelance exchange (such really exist) This is a good way to boost your rating and increase the number of reviews. The disadvantage is that such exchanges usually have significant commissions, especially if your work cost 200,000 tenge, then you will leave almost a quarter to the exchange. Secondly, not all exchanges provide a user-friendly experience, and if we are talking about Kazakh-speaking people, then there are simply no exchanges in this language. Thirdly, some exchanges require several days to transfer funds, which can also be a stumbling block for many. And don't forget about the subscription you need to buy in order to make full use of the freelance exchange.

2) Hire a one-time lawyer from 5000-10000 tenge to draw up a contract in a legal language specifically for your transaction. Please note that this takes several days, and for many customers, such deadlines can be fatal, because they may need a presentation of 100 slides in the next 5 days.

3) Buy a contract template for your services. The problem with templates is their narrow focus, because for three customers, a conditional designer may need three completely different contracts. And you must admit that it is not very convenient to independently search for the right places in the document, enter the data, manually register the amounts (this is mandatory for the contract) and other minor inconveniences.

That's why I came up with the idea to create a simple and convenient contract generator. Simply put, this is a website that asks only basic questions that are understandable to both the customer and the designer, and based on them draws up a fully working and legally compliant service agreement, which itself enters all the data into the necessary fields, is suitable for almost any freelance performer and automates processes, for example, it writes sums in words (fifty thousand tenge)

At the moment, I am finalizing the contract so that it is readable and I plan to upload it to the hosting service soon so that anyone can use the service. I also want to add several templates in different styles so that users can create a beautiful contract. The entire text was generated by ChatGPT 4, which I gave to read the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and rely on it, but I still plan to consult with a professional lawyer so that the contract is as working and universal as possible.

And, most importantly, the addition of the Kazakh language, which is planned soon. Not only the interface, but also the contract itself (hence the name – Kelistik with kaz. agreed). In the future, I also want to add the ability to add my own logo, a large selection of visual design templates (fonts, colors), a TK and AVR generator. And also to help with the transfer and safe storage of money before completing the task (the makings of the Kazakh freelance exchange).

Some may rightly object that such contract generators already exist on the Internet, but they lack key aspects: compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (they are mostly Russian or foreign), the absence of the Kazakh language and a very complicated interface. 

I hope that this service will reduce the number of deplorable cases of fraud, increase their profits and strengthen trust, thereby helping people to work remotely in peace.

The link to the service will be added soon.

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можно расширить добавить разные договора: изготовление и установка мебели, ремонт квартиры, и др.


Классная идея! Спасибо за комментарий 🤝


Ссылка на генератор: По вопросам и сотрудничеству:


Супер! Мне как менеджеру хочется быстрее увидеть ваш генератор договоров, и больше не тратить время на составление


Спасибо Лаура за положительный отзыв! Можете уже попробовать по ссылке


Рахмет за поддержку! вы можете протестировать генератор по ссылке 😊


Сізге ұнағанына қуаныштымын Балжан! Өзіңіз қолданып көрсеңіз болады 😊


Ого сам Кызылорда хаб оставил коммент 🤩 Можете протестить по ссылке, если могу помочь по дизайну интерфейсов или доступны другие вакансии в разработке ИС, то открыт к сотрудничеству 👍
