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💻 Лучшие ресурсы для тех, кто интересуется хакатонами / соревнованиями

 🌟 Вот ваше пошаговое руководство по поиску идеального хакатона / соревнования, чтобы бросить вызов себе и повысить уровень своих навыков.

TOP 9 Hackathon/ Competition Search Platforms:

📌 Data Science/Machine Learning (DS/ML) Competitions on Kaggle: Sharpen your data wrangling and analysis skills! (link: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions)

📌 International Hackathons on Devpost: Find a global challenge and collaborate with coders worldwide! (link: https://devpost.com/)

📌 Artificial Intelligence Hackathons on LabLab AI: Dive deep into the world of AI and build something amazing! (link: https://lablab.ai/)

📌 CIS Hackathons on CodenRock: Challenge yourself with contests specific to the CIS region! (link: https://codenrock.com/)

📌 CIS DS/ML Hackathons/Competitions on Boosters.pro: Test your data prowess against fellow CIS competitors! (link: https://boosters.pro/championships)

📌 Official Telegram Contests on Contest: Find coding challenges happening right on Telegram! (link: https://contest.com/)

📌 Junction Hack the Future hackathons: Explore a variety of challenges and make a difference! (link: https://www.hackjunction.com/)

📌 Telegram Groups & Channels: Join communities like "Hackathons" Telegram Channel to stay updated! (link: https://t.me/hackathons)

📌 Local Hackathons in Kazakhstan: Check out Astana Hub for events happening near you! (link: https://astanahub.com/en/event) ️

TOP 5 must-participate Annual Hackathons for students in Kazakhstan:

📌 <HackNU/> Hackathon by ACM at Nazarbayev University;

📌 JAS Talents Hackathon by Jas Ventures;

📌 Samsung Innovation Hackathon by Samsung Innovation Campus;

📌 IT Fest Hackathon by International Information Technologies University;

📌 nFactorial Cup Hackathon by nFactorial School;

TOP 2 must-participate Annual International Challenges for students:

📌 Microsoft Imagine Cup: https://imaginecup.microsoft.com;

📌 Google Solutions Challenge: https://developers.google.com/community/gdsc-solution-challenge;

📣 Не забудьте поделиться, если вам понравился этот список!

#hackathon #competition #programming #datascience #machinelearning #artificialintelligence #Kazakhstan #students #challengeyourself #learnandgrow

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