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SDTEST® has 36 different #vuca polls that calculate the 13,034 correlation values between stages of development according to the theory of Spiral Dynamics and answer options of these 36 polls.
In our analysis of the poll "The main priorities of job seekers," we found an intriguing negative correlation that warrants closer examination:
-0.0859 between the Career opportunities and the Green stage.
The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.0618. This negative correlation of -0.0859 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.
We invite curiosity about the systemic mechanisms behind this correlation. There may be hidden variables that provide alternative explanations. #causation #math #psychology
What insights do you gain from today's correlation? How might we study this relationship more carefully before deducing causation? We welcome respectful and wise perspectives! #learning #hrtech
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#onlinetesting #selfassessment #leaders #hr #culture #management #peopleanalytics #humanresources #psicologia #mathematics #main #priorities #jobseekers
Insights from SDTEST®
This negative correlation of -0.0859 between Career opportunities and the Green stage offers intriguing insights when viewed through the lens of the Green value system:
Organizational Perspective:
Organizations operating within the Green mindset might interpret this correlation as:
1. Validation of their holistic approach to employee well-being beyond traditional career advancement.
2. An opportunity to redefine success in terms of social and environmental impact rather than individual career progression.
3. Justification for prioritizing collective growth and sustainable practices over hierarchical career structures.
These organizations might respond by:
- Implementing flexible, non-hierarchical structures that emphasize collaboration and shared decision-making.
- Developing programs that allow employees to rotate through different roles to gain diverse experiences and contribute more broadly.
- Measuring success through metrics of social impact, employee well-being, and ecological sustainability rather than traditional career milestones.
Team Perspective:
Teams operating from a Green mindset might approach this correlation by:
1. Viewing it as confirmation of their value on collective growth and shared purpose.
2. Interpreting it as a call to foster a more inclusive and supportive team environment.
3. Seeing it as an opportunity to explore innovative ways of recognizing and rewarding contributions beyond traditional promotions.
These teams might respond by:
- Implementing peer recognition systems that celebrate diverse contributions to team goals.
- Focusing on projects with clear social or environmental benefits, aligning team efforts with a broader purpose.
- Encouraging skill-sharing and mentoring within the team to promote collective learning and growth.
Individual Perspective:
Individuals aligned with the Green value system might interpret this correlation as:
1. Personal validation of their desire for meaningful work that contributes to the greater good.
2. An opportunity to seek roles that allow for personal growth and positive impact rather than vertical career progression.
3. Justification for prioritizing work-life balance and community engagement over traditional career ambitions.
These individuals might respond by:
- Seeking opportunities for personal development that align with their values, such as sustainability training or community outreach programs.
- Propose and lead initiatives that enhance workplace inclusivity and environmental responsibility.
- Redefining their personal success metrics to include factors like work-life harmony, positive impact, and continuous learning.
This correlation, viewed through the Green lens, suggests that those operating at the Green level may be less motivated by traditional career opportunities due to their focus on holistic well-being, sustainability, and collective progress. It implies that the Green value system's characteristics of systems thinking, inclusivity, and concern for global issues align with a shift away from conventional career priorities.
From this perspective, the correlation invites us to explore the evolving nature of work and success in a more conscious, interconnected world. It prompts us to ask: How can organizations create environments that nurture individual fulfillment and collective progress? What new professional development models might emerge that better align with Green values?
Ultimately, this correlation shows the complex relationship between human values and professional aspirations. It reminds us that in the Green worldview, the potential for meaningful impact and holistic well-being may outweigh considerations of traditional career advancement or hierarchical success.
Compare Insight #0264 with the previous Insight #0003, #0029, #0058, #0084, #0116, #0145, #0160, #0229.
Study Spiral Dynamics Change Management Framework

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Bal ...zhan · Янв. 26, 2025 23:27
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