AI Quest has started: Compete in the quest and win Apple devices!

On September 12, an intellectual competition on artificial intelligence, marking the start of the AI Movement in Kazakhstan, was launched.

The goal of the quest is to introduce users to Artificial Intelligence technology and create a “first touch” with modern technologies and trends in the IT world.

Who can participate?

Everyone from across Kazakhstan who is interested in Artificial Intelligence and aims to build a career in IT is welcome to participate.

This experience will be valuable for all participants and will also provide a solid foundation for further learning and career development in the new IT field.

What do I get for participating in the quest?

The five most active participants who reach top positions in the game ranking will win valuable prizes: iPad 13, iPhone 15 Pro, Apple Watch 9, AirPods Max, and AirPods 2! Ranking is determined by two factors: the amount of XP earned and the date and time of earning them.

What if I don’t make it into the rankings?

None of the participants will be left without rewards! During the quest, players earn Social Coins, which can be exchanged for goods and services on the Astana Hub Marketplace. The further you progress, the greater your reward will be.

That’s not all!

We’ve released a collectible badge dedicated to the AI Movement. Participants can activate it by accumulating 500 XP during the quest and become part of the AI community.

The quest will take place online. All tasks will be available in the Astana Hub mobile app, under the Menu → AI Movement section. You can join the quest at any time after its official launch.

New task blocks will be unlocked throughout the quest period and will remain available until the end. There are a total of 7 thematic blocks and 14 tasks. The release of each block will be announced via push notifications.

On October 10 at 18:00, the quest will officially conclude, and results will be announced. The results will be published in the Astana Hub portal's news feed under the “Hub News” category and on the official @astana.hub Instagram page.

Have questions? We’ll be happy to answer them in the comments!

Join the quest. Become a part of the AI Movement!

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Ого, классно, участвую!👍👍👍👍👍👍


Ого, классно, участвую!


Тоже участвую🙌🏻 всем удачи🍀


Бегу скачивать


Наконец активности в приложении


А еще мы добавили баланс SC и XP и маркетплейс))


Надо добавить таймер к задачам @astanahub


Хорошая идея! Обязательно возьмем на заметку


Очень интересный квест. Первый этап уже прошел!


Спасибо, мы очень старались сделать его максимально интересным.


Cool! Already started 🚀
