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Game Development Company 17Studio

Hello everyone, my name is Anton! We also became participants of Astana Hub! In the first post I want to tell you a little about us.

17Studio is an independent indie studio founded in 2012, currently based in Kazakhstan. We create games for mobile devices, PC and Nintendo Switch. Currently, we are actively engaged in the development and publishing of games on the Nintendo Switch.

We have more than 20 million downloads of games worldwide. The most successful project is the Draw Rider game.The main feature of the game is a built-in level editor and an online component.

The game was released in 2012 on android, later we launch the project on iOS and it ranks top overall in almost all countries!

At the moment we are more focused on releasing games on the console and have already released 11 games on the Nintendo Switch!

We plan to release new projects on iOS, Android and Nintendo Switch. Now we are preparing to release Draw Rider Remake on a new Xbox platform for us.

According to the plan, due to new games and their release on new platforms, revenue will double!

If you have a cool game that will look great and be played on the Nintendo Switch, write to us .


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За любой комментарий?


Также хотел узнать, не делали ли Вы на UE4/5 игры на консоль?


Нет, так как там очень большие проблемы с портированием на консоли и мобильные устройства


Супер! Очень интересна тема Свитч, и насколько она прибыльна!) Подскажите вы за Девкитом куда ездили? Или как вы его получали, как я понял сейчас с этим небольшая проблема =)


Свич как и xbox немного более выгоден чем steam. Просто заказывали через посредников, которые переотправляют вашу посылку.


Welcome to Astana Hub's GameDev Community!


О, геймдев) Какие технологии используете?


Игры в unity делаем, так как мультиплатформа.


классный пост!
