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  Over the past period, our DarynTech programming school has achieved significant success, of which we are immensely proud. Our students, having shown exceptional diligence and talent, have successfully implemented two ambitious projects: the creation of a portfolio website and full-stack projects. These works have become evidence of their professional growth and deep understanding of modern web development technologies. We focused on strengthening the practical aspect of learning by introducing more practical homework, which allowed students to consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice. This, of course, contributed to the acceleration of their professional development and better assimilation of educational material.

In order to create the most comfortable conditions for learning, we equipped the classrooms with a coffee machine, as well as provided tea and snacks. We are sure that such care for students contributes not only to increasing their motivation, but also creates an atmosphere of cooperation and creativity. Our teaching staff undoubtedly deserves special words of gratitude. They not only keep up with the learning material, but also constantly find new ways of learning, making the process more interesting and productive. Their professionalism and dedication inspire students to reach new heights. It should be noted that the rate of assimilation of the material by our students has increased significantly. This indicates that we have chosen the right teaching method and a high level of student motivation. We see how students actively apply their knowledge in real projects, which is the best indicator of their success.

On the eve of February and March, our school plans to hold a series of master classes that will allow students to immerse themselves even deeper into the world of IT. In addition, we are actively looking for opportunities for internships and further employment of our students. We are convinced that these steps will help them take another important step towards becoming qualified specialists. In conclusion, I would like to express my deep gratitude and pride for our students. Their enthusiasm, hard work and tireless pursuit of knowledge make DarynTech not just a school, but a real community of like-minded people ready to change the world for the better. We are confident in their bright future and are ready to support them at every stage of their professional journey!  

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