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Dian Aibashpanov: Kokshetau is the perfect city for IT business

Regional Manager of Astana Hub in Akmola region Dian Aibashpanov has been managing the regional Aqmola Hub in Kokshetau since August 1, 2023. He IT he started his career in the field of FinTech and EdTech in 2019 and for 5 years project Manager in startups and He worked in the positions of Product Manager. Coronavirus pandemic from the very beginning, Dian wanted to develop the IT industry in Akmola region. Remote working, he often traveled to the capital to communicate with like-minded people went. At the AME time, Dian ha the Clean Air, the lack of traffic jam, and opening an IT business in Kokshetau with abundance and favorable living conditions efficient city he understood. He has extensive experience and industry knowledge in the field of successful startups it was a key factor in the creation of the association.

Kokshetau startup development: achievements and challenges

September 2023 Akmola region received only one application for the Startup Garage incubation program. And in March 2024, the number of applications increased to 14 it has grown to the point. 7 to the Pizza Pitch Kokshetau event in February 2024 the startup took part and attracted more than 250 people. In June 2024 Kokshetau Digital Hackathon 1.0 was attended by 90 teams and registered participants the number exceeded 300 people. Dian is engaged in the development of startups, creatively solving problems unified to solve and cope with many different tasks at the same time emphasizes the importance of attitude.

Partnership and cooperation: the key to development

Important success of Aqmola Hub one of the areas of Tech Partnering with new private IT schools participating in the Orda program was. KSU Smart Aqmola and Ozen.Cooperation with organizations such as Vision LLC as a result, schools have the opportunity to place and use the equipment for free this contributed to the development and investment of the educational process. Ualikhanov A similar memorandum was signed with the University and Kokshelab LLP.

Educational initiatives: B"I'm sorry," he said. share

Tech Orda in 2024 5 IT schools from Kokshetau applied for the program, all of them in 2023 and Opened in 2024. This is a successful implementation of the Aqmola Hub and Tech Orda program development of ICT education in Akmola region shows. More than 150 residents of the region since the beginning of 2024 completed educational courses on the LMS platform. Aqmola Hub it Camp for schoolchildren and in the field of IT as different as SkillsBooster workshops aimed at improving skills organizes educational programs.

Akmola regionthe IT-businesstcontribute to the future

The Aqmola Hub the main goal in the future is to increase the number of successful startups in Akmola region increase. Dian believes that the IT sector has enormous potential, which, in his opinion, is the region it can significantly improve the well-being of its inhabitants. With private IT schools successful partnership, participation in the Tech Orda program and educational courses on the platform contribute to the development of knowledge in the field of ICT it does. Dian noted that thanks to the development of the IT industry, the region's budget will be significantly increased, it is possible to improve the infrastructure and raise the standard of living of the region counts.

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