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Effective promotion of FMCG brands in-app: Bio-Sut case study

Promotion of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) requires a special approach based on image marketing. It is important for users to feel trust in the brand and understand its key advantages in order to make a choice in its favor. This is especially relevant in a highly competitive environment, where success requires the use of multiple marketing channels.

Mobile advertising is one of the essential tools. It not only increases brand visibility but also enhances audience engagement, effectively introducing them to the product.

Read about how the brand Bio-Sut successfully achieved its image goals through programmatic advertising on the BYYD platform in our case study.


  • Announcing new products
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Attracting targeted traffic to the website


  • Rich Media creative
  • Targeting based on socio-demographic characteristics and interests


  • Tashkent city

Targeting was the key stage in mobile promotion, and we approached it with particular care. First, we defined the target audience based on socio-demographic parameters, focusing on women aged 25–45. This group is particularly inclined to make frequent purchases, especially in the fast-moving consumer goods segment.

To ensure more precise targeting, we selected interests that closely align with their everyday preferences:

  • Food and beverages
  • Healthy eating and natural products
  • Health and fitness
  • Diet and weight control

This approach not only improved the relevance of ad impressions but also increased audience engagement, which was critical for this image-based campaign.

The creative used was a Rich Media banner — an interactive format that engages users through gamification elements, encouraging them to interact with the content. In this case, users were invited to tap the screen to learn more about the product.


The results of the campaign confirmed the effectiveness of the carefully developed targeting strategy and the use of interactive advertising formats. Thanks to effective optimization and the selection of appropriate creatives, we not only achieved the set goals but also exceeded expectations in key performance indicators. Here are the main outcomes of the advertising activity:

  • The number of impressions exceeded the target by 2.05%.
  • The number of clicks surpassed the plan by 7.89%.

Post-click analysis provided a deeper understanding of audience behavior:

  • The average depth of view was 1.2 pages.
  • The number of sessions was over 9,000.
  • The average time spent on the site was 53 seconds (the average for mobile channels is 15 seconds).

The conversion rate from clicks to sessions was 73.45%, and the bounce rate was significantly lower than average at 34.3% (the average for mobile advertising is 50%). This was made possible by effective optimization.

The total reach of the campaign was over 450,000 targeted users, which significantly increased brand awareness and audience engagement.