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GameJam: "TIL-QAZYNA PLAYGROUND" contest with a prize of 3 million tenge

For the first time, the Til-Kazyna Center announces a hackathon among computer game developers with a prize fund of 3,000,000 tenge.

Applications and registration of teams will be accepted from June 18 to July 5, 2024. The game design document will be sent to the participating team after registration. The game design documentation must be completed and submitted by July 5th. Only the team that sent the game design document can participate in the qualifying round.

The competition consists of 2 stages. Stage 1 – selection, stage 2 – determination of the winner. The selected teams will be invited to the 2nd stage of the offline format, which will be held in the Astana Hub, and will defend their work before the jury. The selected team will be given 1 week to prepare for full compliance with the requirements of the game. The 2nd stage will be held on July 15.

The winner of the competition will be awarded a prize in the amount of 3,000,000 tenge and a contract for the implementation of the project will be concluded. It is necessary to draw up a substantial game document according to the technical requirements specified in the contract. Financial remuneration is paid on the basis of an Agreement.

The full rules of the competition are available at the following link:

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