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I am Damir Mnaidarov, Regional Manager of Qostanai Hub in Kostanay region

My fascination with the startup and IT ecosystem began many years ago when I first encountered innovation and entrepreneurship. I have always been interested in helping young entrepreneurs achieve success and contribute to the development of technology in the region. Working at the Qostanai Hub allows me to realize my potential and vision, as well as actively participate in the development of the innovation ecosystem.

I first got acquainted with the activities of Astana Hub in 2018, when I attended the Tracker School there. In 2020, while working at the university, I organized the first regional incubation program Astana Hub. In 2023, I was offered a job as a regional manager. I am sure that this is fate, because working in Kostanay, I was engaged in activities similar to the vision of Astana Hub, but now this work has become much more effective and is permanent.

My activities cover a wide range of tasks: from infrastructure development to personal interaction on various issues. We are actively promoting Astana programs Hub, so that the residents of the region can implement their ideas. Our events reach a lot of people, directing them to educational and business programs, as well as to the program of tax preferences. We incubate and develop startups and IT competencies through projects such as Startup Way Kostanay, Pizza Pitch by Qostanai Hub, Qostanai IT Fest, Startup Orda, Qostanai Idea Battle, Tech girl and She-commerce. The full list of programs can be found on our Instagram page @qostanai.hub. Our work is focused on training, networking, nurturing ideas, providing infrastructure and attracting investments.

We provide startups and entrepreneurs with access to our coworking absolutely free of charge. We also offer the opportunity to participate in programs and take courses on the Astana Hub educational platform. One of the most striking examples of our support is the startup Aitomaton in the field of artificial intelligence, which attracted investments in the amount of $ 10,000. Now they are our residents, collecting documents for residency in Astana Hub and undergoing an incubation program Startup Garage. Currently, eight companies from Kostanay are residents Astana Hub, some of them have been exported to the countries of the near and far abroad.

We conduct incubation programs and develop startups and IT competencies through projects such as Startup Way Kostanay, Pizza Pitch by Qostanai Hub, Qostanai IT Fest, Qostanai Idea Battle, Tech girl, She-commerce and Level Up. Recently , I became the local tech community manager of Google Developers Group, which allows us to develop the IT ecosystem by holding thematic events for developers. We are actively conducting partnership events on the concept win-win. In September, we plan to hold a Hackathon together with Allur. Also, our partner in the Pizza Pitch by Qostanai Hub is SharkPizza, a Kostanay company that has created its own IT product in the form of a food delivery application. They have now applied for the Scalerator program.

My idols are happy people. It is important to be able to keep a balance between family and work. I like to sing karaoke, watch movies, anime and play billiards. My dream is to visit Tokyo and see the cherry blossom with your own eyes.

My career began with a bachelor's degree in Economics and Business, which I graduated with honors. I am also a Master of Technical Sciences. Over the past six years, I have accumulated a wealth of experience in the ecosystem of startups, IT and education. He started as CEO at the Kineu Startup Academy, then became the moderator of the Startup Bolashak Armanym republican contest. He also held the positions of Director of Arhitec LLP and President NGO "Akhmet Joly". In 2022, I was a regional manager QazInnovations. These positions have helped me acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for my current role.

One of the most significant achievements in my career is the organization of the first Startup Weekend in Kostanay and the moderation of the Startup Bolashak Armanym republican contest. Currently, the most important project for me is the Qostanai Hub. From the beginning During my work in September 2023, we held more than 100 events with the participation of more than 1,500 people. We helped launch two IT schools under the Tech Orda program, for the first time in Kostanay region. We are also launching Samsung on the basis of the Qostanai Hub Innovation Campus and Gamedev Center by Omnium.

In the near future we will have there are KPIs, and I build my work in such a way as to achieve them. But it's not just the numbers, but also the quality. We plan to hold a Qostanai at the end of the year IT Fest is the largest event in the field of startups and IT in the Kostanay region. These will be cool speakers, panel sessions on topical issues and, of course, the Qostanai Hub Battle, where we will identify the best startup project in Kostanay region.

I believe that the most significant trends in the coming years will be artificial intelligence and machine learning. It is important to follow new trends and keep up with them, to develop more advanced algorithms and models that will increase the accuracy and efficiency of these technologies.

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