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inDriver: Startup History

inDriver was founded in 2012 in Yakutsk, one of the coldest cities in the world. The service arose in response to a sharp rise in taxi prices when the temperature on the street plummeted. A group of local students created a collective group of “independent drivers” on social networks, where people ordered a taxi, indicating the desired price. In 2013, the service was officially launched and moved to Sinet, which created a passenger transport system based on the peer-to-peer concept. Today inDriver is an international taxi hailing service with more than 150 million downloads in 48 countries. It works on a peer-to-peer model and allows passengers and drivers to negotiate the price of a trip.

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Компания InDriver представляет собой удивительный пример того, как местная инициатива может привести к созданию успешного и масштабируемого стартапа.


Ставьте лайк, если вам нравится👍


еще одно доказательство того, что кризис - двигатель прогресса👍
