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🚂 Internet on trains in Kazakhstan: Steppes outside the window, memes on the Internet

When was the last time you suffered without Internet on a train? These times will soon be a thing of the past! As early as 2025, passengers of Kazakhstani trains will be able to use satellite Internet and enjoy online life right on the way.

Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Company (KTZ), together with the international satellite communications operator OneWeb, is launching a pilot project. Imagine: You are driving through the endless steppes of Kazakhstan, and the Internet works as if you are at home on Wi-Fi

This will be possible thanks to low-orbit satellites that are only 1,200 km from Earth. This approach ensures fast communication without delays and a stable signal even in the most remote locations.

If you haven't heard of OneWeb, here's what you need to know: it's an international company that uses a network of low-orbit satellites to connect even the most inaccessible corners of the world to the Internet.

Let's be honest: traveling without an Internet connection sometimes turns into real torture. But soon everything will change! Now it will be possible:

  • Watch TV series right on the go
  • Chat with friends without interruptions
  • work and hold zoom meetings 🖥️
  • Or just scroll through the memes while the steppes flash by the window.

Testing on several routes will begin in January 2025. If everything goes well, the Internet will appear on all trains in Kazakhstan. Of course, the prices for the service have not yet been announced, but you must agree: the opportunity to be online while sitting in a carriage is a real breakthrough! 🚀

Train digitalization is not just a technology. This is comfort, freedom and a new reality for travelers. So soon train rides will become not just a journey, but a real online journey. Are you ready for a change? 😉

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