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How artificial intelligence affects education and what is already working

Education is one of the key areas where artificial intelligence (AI) demonstrates significant potential for transformation. AI systems can personalize learning, automate administrative tasks, and provide new opportunities for knowledge assessment. In this article, we will look at how AI is transforming education, what is already working, and what prospects await us in the future.

Hi, I'm Maxim from Sailet. We specialize in custom development, have been working since 2017, have completed many interesting projects, talk about automation and develop our EDMS.

I have been in education for a long time, went from a teacher to a top, then launched my studio. Therefore, today's topic is extremely close to me and one of my favorites.

Recently, we started doing a rather interesting project for a large author's school in Kazakhstan and I decided to write about trends and share a few recommendations.

Perhaps in some places you will see the same "AI" here and you will be right, because it is much easier to write with an assistant. But I assure you that this is not just a crooked request from a low-grade copywriter, but a rather valuable and structured article for everyone who is in education. Let's get started)

1. Adaptive learning

  • Examples:Platforms such as DreamBox and Smart Sparrow use AI to adapt learning materials in real time, adapting to each student's abilities and progress. Khan Academy uses AI algorithms to provide personalized recommendations to students.
  • How it works: DreamBox analyzes data on student task completion and adjusts the complexity of the materials to match the current level of knowledge. Smart Sparrow allows teachers to create courses that automatically adjust to student progress by providing customized assignments and learning resources.
  • Statistics: Research shows that adaptive learning can improve student academic performance by 20% or more. According to McKinsey, the use of adaptive technologies can increase productivity by 30-50%.

2. Automation of administrative tasks

  • Examples: Universities such as Arizona State University use AI to automate tasks such as scheduling schedules and managing student data. An example is also the use of chatbots to answer questions from students and parents.
  • How it works: AI systems analyze class schedules, student numbers, and teacher availability to create optimal schedules. Chatbots, such as those used at ASU, answer questions from students and parents by providing information about courses, exams, and other administrative tasks.
  • Statistics: According to McKinsey, automation of administrative processes can reduce management costs by 30%, as well as increase task accuracy by up to 90%.

3. Personalized study plans

  • Examples: Coursera and edX use AI to create customized courses and recommendations, allowing students to receive the most relevant materials. Some schools use systems that analyze student data and offer customized learning programs.
  • How it works: AI analyzes data on students' academic performance, interests and preferences in order to offer courses and materials that best meet their needs. This includes recommendations on learning materials, assignments, and additional courses that can improve students' skills.
  • Statistics: According to IBM research, the use of AI in educational platforms can increase student engagement by 25%, as well as improve learning outcomes by 30%.

In one of our projects, we integrate AI into an educational platform aimed at improving the learning process.

The task:

  • Develop a system for individualizing the learning process to help students improve test scores and overall academic performance.


  • Diagnosis and adaptation: The AI performs diagnostics of students' current knowledge, assessing their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Personalization of the curriculum: Based on the diagnosis, individual curricula are created with recommendations for improvement.
  • Monitoring progress: The system tracks students' progress in real time, adapting assignments and materials depending on their success and difficulties.

Do you want to learn how to integrate AI into the educational process at your school, university, educational institution, or maybe at an enterprise? Contact us and we will help you develop and implement effective solutions. There is a good experience in education (and not only))

  • Using AI requires processing large amounts of student data, which raises privacy and security issues. According to an IBM study, 73% of educational institutions believe that data privacy issues are a serious problem when implementing AI.

Advice from Sailet:Ensure the use of data encryption and restrict access to confidential information only to authorized users. Develop a privacy policy that clearly explains how student data will be used. Important: it is also necessary to define rules for the model!

  • The creation and implementation of AI systems requires significant financial investments. We have been contacted a couple of times by schools with a request for proctoring from AI. We wanted, of course, with a fixed budget. But the problem is that the result depends on many factors and these are experiments. The quality of the video stream, lighting, clothing variations and hundreds more different parameters affect the final result.

Sailet's advice: Explore the possibilities of public funding and private grants. Don't try to “eat the whole elephant.” Start small. Try to solve one small problem. Next, expand the queries and functions. Conditionally, they first determined whether there was a student at his place. Then, whether he turns away from the computer. After that, does he use the phone in the visible area, etc.

  • There is a concern that AI may replace teachers. According to a study by the World Economic Forum, 65% of teachers are concerned that AI could lead to job cuts. Of course, AI is a tool to support teachers, not replace them..

Advice from Sailet:Integrate AI as an assistant that automates routine tasks such as checking homework and preparing study materials. This will allow teachers to focus on individual work with students and the development of innovative teaching methods. AI is now, like a calculator or a computer once, a powerful application tool.

  • AI will increasingly understand the needs of each student and offer learning materials that best match their interests and level of knowledge. Systems that can adapt curricula in real time based on student progress and interests.

Advice from Sailet:Implement adaptive learning systems that analyze student progress data and offer personalized assignments and materials. Pay attention to the Finnish model.

  • Using AI to create more interactive and engaging educational platforms. For example, virtual labs where students can conduct experiments in a safe environment.

Advice from Sailet:Consider using virtual and augmented reality to create interactive learning materials and simulations. This can make learning more fun and effective. 

  • Improving the efficiency of educational process management by fully automating administrative tasks. Full automatic management of the schedule and resources of educational institutions.

Advice from Sailet: Implement educational institution management systems that automate administrative tasks such as student registration, scheduling, and financial management. There are many similar ones, but the schedule is still formed by "hands".

P.S. all questions, thoughts, ideas, suggestions can and should be left in the comments. I'm watching them. Good luck!

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