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How the IT sphere is developing in the Abai region: the way of Ayaulym

My name is Ayaulym Argyngazina, I am the regional manager of the Astana International Technopark Hub in the Abai region, Semey city. I am proud to be building a digital path in my region. By scaling up the Astana Hub experience, our Abay IT Valley hub has become a center of attraction for talented people.

Since 2016, I have been involved in startup projects, implementing economic, environmental and social initiatives. From 2020 to 2022, I worked in the field of sales on marketplaces, where I earned my first big money. Since 2022, I have been developing the IT industry and the startup ecosystem in the Abai region.

Every year we organize more than 100 events, develop more than 20 startups, and more than 70 Students are enrolled in the Tech Orda program. We have attracted more than 20 million tenge of grants to support promising children.

In 2022 , I was offered to develop the Startup Orda project from Astana Hub. The project turned out to be successful: at the end of three months, 18 projects were presented on Demo Day. This inspired me to further develop in the IT field. I try to be a mentor, helping with business planning, marketing and project management. We organize educational programs and trainings, hold seminars and provide access to online courses from Astana Hub.

We create communities of developers, entrepreneurs and investors, organize hackathons, festivals and contests. We also provide coworking and office spaces for IT startups, help in finding financing and connect with investors. We work with local schools, colleges and universities to develop educational programs, internships and research projects. This helped students gain practical skills and prepare for a career in IT. We also signed a memorandum with Huawei, sending three specialists for training with plans to open a Huawei laboratory.

I see the future of the IT ecosystem in our region as bright. An increase in the number of local startups, qualified IT specialists and investment growth is expected. My goals are to establish new partnerships, organize events and support programs, strengthen cooperation with international companies and create new opportunities in the global market.

I dream that my contribution to the development of the IT ecosystem and support will bear fruit in the form of new innovations and improving people's lives. My idols are people who are not afraid to take on new challenges, strive for self-development and make a positive contribution to the world around them. I am sure that every day will bring us a new lesson and a new opportunity to become better.

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Аяулым, жарайсың!


Аяулымның, Astana Hub-тың өңірлік менеджері ретінде, цифрлық саланы дамытып, стартаптарды қолдап, білім беру бағдарламаларын ұйымдастырып, IT-экожүйесінің болашағын жарқын етуге атсалысудағы орны ерекше


Алға Абай облысы ❤️


Абай облысы осылай қарқынды дамып келе жатқанына қуаныштымын!
