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Kazakhstani developers have access to the SourceCraft platform from Yandex

Yandex Qazaqstan announces the launch of the SourceCraft development platform — Kazakhstani specialists can already test its capabilities.

The new platform allows you to develop and develop software products in a shared mode. SourceCraft has everything for convenient and fast code work, including tools for automating CI/CD processes, smart navigation, and a built-in An AI assistant that helps you add code on the fly. SourceCraft is working in testing mode — to use the platform, you need to submit an application.

In SourceCraft, code navigation is arranged in the same way as in programming environments (IDEs) familiar to most developers. At the same time, in the platform interface, you can not only set up a code search through keywords and file names, but also fully explore the structure of the code. This allows you to make the process of processing large pool requests more convenient and faster.

An AI assistant is integrated into the platform for code completion. SourceCraft Code Assistant. The service supports more than 30 programming languages, including C++, Go, Java, Kotlin, Python, and others. SourceCraft Code Assistant has already been tested by thousands of users, and it will soon feature a chat mode. The tool is also available for VSCode and Jetbrains as a separate plugin.

"SourceCraft was launched by a large team with experience in creating IT tools, including for Yandex developers. We made the product ourselves from scratch and even carried out the last stages of SourceCraft development on the platform itself. The solution is now ready to be tested by external developers. We will continue to develop the platform so that it meets the most urgent needs of IT specialists in the world and becomes the main tool for developers' tasks," said Dmitry Ivanov, head of the platform. SourceCraft.

The SourceCraft platform is now available via a web interface. In the future, native integration with Yandex Cloud services will appear, which will allow you to deploy the project in the cloud infrastructure "on the button". In addition, SourceCraft will work according to the on-premise model — for use on its own servers.

One of the priority areas of SourceCraft development is security. The functions of scanning secrets and finding vulnerabilities in supply chains will soon be available on the platform. With their help, users will be able to enhance the comprehensive protection of IT projects. In addition, SourceCraft will improve automation tools, without which it is impossible to work with large code bases.

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