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Monolithic vs microservice architecture

The architectural solution chosen during the development of a software product plays a huge role in its successful implementation. The two main architecture options – monolithic and microservice, provide different approaches to building applications. 

Today we will explore the features and advantages of each of them, and also consider how to choose between them correctly.

Monolithic architecture is a traditional way of organizing applications in which all the components of a product are located inside one monolithic codebase. 

Advantages of monolithic architecture:

One of the main advantages of monolithic applications is their ease of development and testing.

1) Ease of development and testing

One of the main advantages of monolithic applications is their ease of development and testing.

2) Less overhead

Running and maintaining such applications is often cheaper than microservices, since it does not require managing a large number of independent services.

3) Performance

Inside a monolith, data exchange between components can be more efficient than in a microservice architecture. This is due to the fact that data is transferred within a single process.

Disadvantages of monolithic architecture:

1) Scalability

Most often, such applications are scaled vertically, which means an increase in resources on a single server. This can be a limiting factor when horizontal scaling is necessary, especially in the case of a sharp increase in load.

2) Complexity of support and updates

When making any changes, a monolithic application needs to rebuild and restart the entire system, which can cause downtime and difficulties in managing updates.

3) Dependence on technology

In a monolithic architecture, it is most difficult to implement new technologies, since all parts of the application are interconnected, and changing one part may require changing the entire system.

4) The complexity of the layout and testing

Finding and fixing bugs can be difficult due to the tight integration of all components in a single codebase.

Microservice architecture is an approach in which an application is divided into small independent services, where each of which is responsible for a specific functionality. These services interact with each other through network calls, APIs, and messages.

Advantages of microservice architecture:

1) Scalability

If some service is experiencing an increased load, you can scale only this service without affecting other parts of the application.

2) Flexibility and independence of development

Developers can use different technologies and practices for each service depending on its specific needs.

3) Ease of replacement and updating

Replacing or updating one microservice does not affect the rest of the application. 

Disadvantages of microservice architecture:

1) Complexity of management

Managing multiple independent services can be difficult. Tools are needed for monitoring, deployment, and version control.

2) The costs of inter-service interaction

Microservices interact with each other through the network, which can lead to additional overhead and performance degradation.

3) The complexity of ensuring data integrity

When there are many services, data integrity management becomes complicated and problems arise with consistency and data exchange between services.

4) High initial deployment costs

The creation of infrastructure for microservice architecture, including container management systems, may require significant time and financial costs.

A comparison of these two architectures allows us to identify the following key differences:

1) Application structure

Monolithic applications have a single code base, while microservices are divided into many small services.

2) Ease of development and testing

Monolithic applications are usually easier to develop and test, but they can become cumbersome and difficult to maintain with the growth of functionality.

3) Scaling

Microservices provide higher flexibility in scaling, since only those services that need additional resources can be scaled.

4) Dependencies

In a monolithic architecture, there are no dependencies between components, while in microservices, dependency management becomes more difficult.

To determine which of these architectures is best suited to your goals, you need to consider several key criteria:

Project size

The scale of your project is one of the main factors when choosing an architecture. If you are working on a small project or startup, a monolithic architecture may be more appropriate, as it is usually easier to develop and manage.

For an accurate understanding of the size of the project, we suggest you sign up for our free consultation.

Flexibility and variability

If your project involves a high degree of variability and flexibility, then the microservice architecture provides you with great advantages. Since the services can be updated independently of each other, which simplifies the implementation of changes and quick response to changing requirements.

Deadlines and budget

Monolithic architecture is usually faster to develop, and can save the budget at the initial stages of the project. Microservice architecture may require a lot of costs at the initial stage, but it can save resources in the future thanks to more flexible management.

Team experience

The level of experience of your development team also matters. Microservices require more complex management and deployment, and can be a challenge for less experienced teams.

Scaling Requirements

If your project requires high scalability, the microservice architecture allows you to increase only the necessary components. Which can save resources and provide higher performance.

Complexity of dependency management

Microservices can create difficulties in managing dependencies between services. If your project has many dependencies and requires careful management, a monolithic architecture may be more appropriate.

We offer services for the development of systems that are suitable for different types of architectural tasks. For example, a monolithic architecture is well suited for the rapid implementation of hypotheses (MVP) and we provide hourly development for it. And microservices are effective in medium and large systems, where project development is the best option.

You will receive high quality development and effective process management so that your project achieves its goals. Contact us to discuss your idea and start working on it right now.

Get a quick start and save resources with our monolithic MVP solutions, ideal for testing your hypotheses. As your project grows, move to a microservice architecture that will provide flexibility and scalability for large systems. Your needs determine our approach — from hourly development to a full project cycle. You will receive not only technological execution, but also a strategic partner aimed at achieving the goals of your business. Let's discuss how your project can benefit from our experience and knowledge today.

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