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Omarbek Tashim: I strive to reach as many people as possible so that they can start creating their own startups

The regional manager of Jaiq Hub in the West Kazakhstan region, Omarbek Tashim, plays a key role in the development of the region's IT ecosystem. His experience in the field of education and the implementation of innovative projects helps him successfully bring bold ideas to life, attracting many talented people to this process. We talked with him about his professional path, achievements, motivation and vision for the future development of the IT sector in the region.

How did you get into the field of IT and innovation, and what professional experience do you have?

I graduated from Suleyman Demirel College in Almaty. After graduation, he started working in Bilim is an Innovation lyceum (formerly KTL), where he was first a system administrator, then a computer science teacher. He also produced social projects and coached the basketball team. In total, he worked in the field of education for three years. Last year he headed Jaiq Business Incubator, and later joined the regional office team.

What inspired you to become a regional manager of Astana Hub?

This is my patriotism and desire to make a significant contribution to the development of the IT sector and startup culture in my hometown. We have a lot of talented guys and successful cases, and I strive to reach as many people as possible so that they can start creating their own startups.

What tasks are included in your work as a regional manager?

My activities cover a wide range of tasks, ranging from infrastructure development to individual support on various issues. We are actively promoting Astana Hub programs so that residents of the region can realize their ideas. Our events attract a wide audience, and we direct participants to educational and business programs, as well as help in obtaining tax benefits. Our responsibilities include incubation and development of startups, improving IT skills, providing the necessary infrastructure and attracting investments.

What projects and achievements do you consider the most important in your career?

Last year, I held 100 events that covered more than 2000 participants. We launched the first Aspan Drone drone federation and held the first international Aspan Fest FPV drone races in Kazakhstan. We also launched an incubation program and supported 50 startup ideas. Together with NASA, they conducted the SpaceApp Challenge (hackathon), covering three regions. I coordinate Google Developers Group Oral, last year we held the first "Google I/O Extended", inviting colleagues from the Netherlands from the Digital Nomads community, and this year in May we invited guests from India.

What knowledge and skills are necessary for success in your position?

In my opinion, the key qualities of a regional manager are organizational and communication skills. You need to be constantly on the move, come up with new ideas, launch training and programs.

Can you give an example of how your work has helped a startup succeed?

The startup "ApexNodes" in the field of hosting game servers has passed our incubation program and doubled its income.

What role do you see for yourself in the development of the region's IT ecosystem?

We set ourselves high KPIs, and I build my work to achieve them, but it's not just about numbers, but also about quality. In autumn, we plan to hold "Jaiq Fest" — the largest event in the field of startups and IT in the West Kazakhstan region. Panel sessions on topical issues will be held, cool speakers will speak, and, of course, the Jaiq Hub Battle will take place, where we will identify the best startup project.

What is the main lesson you have learned while working in the IT ecosystem of the region?

You should never stop. There are times when it is difficult, but you need to do more for your region, the exhaust will be sooner or later.

Who is your idol, and what is your life credo?

I don't have an idol, but I have a role model — this is my older brother. My credo: "Do what you love, love what you do".

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