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The experience of Terricon School students after their studies

Tech Orda is a program that provides a unique opportunity for free training in IT specialties. 

The Tech Orda program offers more than 200 courses in the most popular IT areas and by 2025 plans to train more than 20,000 specialists in various information technology industries.

We asked our students to share their IT experience after studying at the Terricon School under the Tech Orda program. They talked about the reasons for choosing our school, the skills and knowledge they gained, and also gave advice to beginners.

Veronika Novichikhina

Course "Development of mobile Android applications on Kotlin"

Why did you choose Terricon School?

Since applying for Astana Hub, I have not thought about which school to choose for training. But after a while of choosing, I liked your school because the training will be held in an online format and in Russian, which was very convenient for me.

What skills and knowledge have you acquired and gained during your studies?

During the course, I acquired a lot of skills in terms of understanding the very structure of the code and the logic of writing it.

Tell us a little about your project.

The process of writing the project was difficult. There were many ideas on how to write a project, but the logic was not built. The result was a mini-project. But in my opinion, this is already a big step towards further development, there is much to strive for.

What advice would you give to those who are just starting their way into IT based on your experience?

In my experience, the path to IT is not easy. There will be moments when nothing wants to work, it turns out, you want to quit everything. But this is not the end, we need to move on, because any problem can be solved and eventually become a sought-after specialist. In my experience, I would advise you to start with the basics, try and understand whether you like this field of activity or not. And slowly move on, study everything a little bit and practice more.

Tulepbergenov Eldar

Course "Development of mobile Android applications on Kotlin"

Why did you choose Terricon School?

I liked the training program. Usually the courses have 2-3 lessons on the basics of Kotlin and immediately begin to study Android. At Terricon School, I liked that learning is really from scratch.

What advice would you give to those who are just starting their way into IT based on your experience?

Solve problems more, do not try to remember everything at once, fundamental knowledge comes only through practice.

Seitembetov Estai

The course "Development of mobile IOS applications on Swift"

Why did you choose Terricon School?

Before applying to AstanaHub, after reviewing the training centers and training programs, my eye fell on the courses on Swift iOS from Terricon School. After studying their website and familiarizing myself with the program, I applied. In general, I see a prospect in development on iOS and for Apple in general. It was important for me to gain knowledge from professionals with practical experience in iOS development. I have been working in the Apple ecosystem for several years now and I consider the opportunity to master Swift a big plus.

What skills and knowledge have you acquired and gained during your studies?

During my studies, I acquired a lot of useful skills and knowledge. I learned how to work with Xcode, create interfaces using SwiftUI, develop mobile applications, and also mastered methods of working with APIs and databases. In addition, the training included working with various tools and libraries that greatly facilitate the development process.

A few words about your project.

During my training, I worked on the Service Desk project of an application that allows users to create and track support requests, and administrators to manage these requests. The application includes user registration functionality, sending email notifications, as well as a convenient menu for navigation. This project gave me the opportunity to put my knowledge into practice and gain valuable experience in developing a real application. I think this project can help me both in my current job and for my portfolio as a whole. 

What advice would you give to those who are just starting their way into IT based on your experience?

For those who are just starting their way into IT, I would advise them not to be afraid to try new things and not stop there. It is important to have patience and perseverance, as development is constant learning and solving new problems. Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek help from more experienced colleagues. And most importantly, do not forget about practice, because it is through the practical application of knowledge that real understanding and self—confidence come. In my opinion, constant self-development and the application of your knowledge in practice is the main engine of personal growth. Thank you for the opportunity to share your experience!

We sincerely thank our students for their time and answers. Your stories and tips are sure to inspire those who are just starting their way into IT.

Remember that the road to IT requires perseverance, patience and constant self-development. Keep going forward, despite the difficulties, and believe in yourself. Your efforts will definitely lead to success. We wish you great achievements and professional growth!

#Tech Orda 2024, #Astana Hub, #Terricon School

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