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From cloud to edge: How Edge Computing is changing the IT landscape.

Edge Computing technology, or computing at the edge of the network, is becoming an important element of the IT infrastructure in 2024, offering new opportunities for data processing and performance improvements. This approach involves processing data not in remote clouds, but closer to the source of their generation, which brings significant advantages.

1. Instant data processing. Edge Computing allows you to process data on-site, which reduces delays and speeds up the execution of tasks. This is especially critical for applications requiring rapid response, such as autonomous vehicles, smart city systems, and manufacturing robots.

2. Reducing the load on the central servers. Transferring data processing to devices on the edge of the network reduces the load on central cloud servers. This helps to avoid overflowing communication channels and reduces data transmission costs, which makes the system more efficient and economical.

3. Improved security and privacy. Storing and processing data on local devices helps to increase security and privacy. Data is not transmitted over the Internet, which reduces the risk of interception or leakage. This is especially important for sensitive information and compliance with data protection requirements.

4. Reliability and autonomy. Edge Computing ensures that applications and systems work even if there is a temporary lack of connection to central clouds or the Internet. This makes systems more reliable and resilient to failures, especially in remote or unstable regions.

Edge Computing technology represents an important step in the evolution of IT, providing new opportunities for data processing, productivity and security. In the face of increasing demands for speed and efficiency, its role will only increase, affecting the development of various industries and technologies.