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Why are operating systems and programs becoming heavier and more demanding with the progress of IT, rather than lighter and simpler?

With fruits, rye and fish, it is clear that the larger and heavier they are, the better off people are. But this is not the case with technology, is it, but on the contrary? Previously, screws, laptops and phones were huge, but now everything is thinner and lighter. It should be the same with software, right? Every year, operating systems and work programs should become smaller and more productive, logically. Why Are we not observing this?

And why does no one know almost about the modern OS, which needs only 1 GB and 1 GB and 1 Hz of everything for normal operation, not like it has become for Windows 11 now. It seems that the small–soft version of 98SE and 2000 is the future of TTX, not the past, but for now Bill has a long time to go from 11 to 98. There is Tiny11, of course, which few people know about either, and that's at least something.

I have three hypotheses for the causes of weight gain in progress:

1.       We took a wrong turn in the NTR once.

2.       Software developers are ordered by hardware sellers, and almost no one understands, unfortunately, that it is possible otherwise.

3.       It will soon be logical, this is a temporary phenomenon of CT growth and software will decrease, but this is in the future only, not tomorrow. However, there are not one outline, but three ?query=creator%3A%22NTDEV%22

With games, it is clear that in 24 years the graphics have become much better, the power has increased many times, but the same increase in the quality of the game process No, they 're slowing down too, why is that? At the same time, in 1965, physicist, engineer and founder of Intel Corporation Gordon Moore formulated a practical law according to which it became possible to realize the increase in progress in IT.

Law Mura claims that the performance of computers and technical devices doubles approximately every 18 months. Initially, it was planned to double the productivity once a year. However, after further checks , this period was extended to two years.

An example is to read the TTX increase without a noticeable improvement in quality -

I just tried 25-30 pieces of different axes in varying degrees of use duration, and yesterday 5 more were from the Pappy family. Therefore , such a question and survey practically arose)

And now in the branch Astana hub in Shymkent with the help of the improved Startup as a Diploma program and Kozykeyev Timur will do not only what is common for the progress of the CIS and the world, but also precisely in reducing the severity and increasing the performance of operating systems at the same time.

Or is it not worth doing this?