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The product is a "Comfortable environment" for employees

There is a lot of talk today about the importance of managing customer experience and customer loyalty for sustainable business development. And what happens if the same close focus is directed at internal employees of organizations? More recently, organizations were forced to quickly look for an answer to this question during the pandemic. Then there was a need to develop and implement such work formats that would allow for maximum flexibility of teams and comfort for employees.

Without immediately seeing the full depth of the problem, a dumb question may arise: "Why pay such close attention to the process of interaction between the employee and the surrounding infrastructure? Is it hot? Well, take the remote control, turn on the air conditioner and order!". And indeed, when the infrastructure is working properly, no one pays attention to it. And this is exactly what is called comfortable working conditions! But in our world, any physical infrastructure wears out over time, equipment fails, mechanisms break down. And every negatively colored event in the workplace reduces employee productivity and, if repeated regularly, leads to a decrease in the performance of departments, teams, divisions and the entire organization.

  • How is the support application process organized?
  • Can the first-line support specialist accepting the application understand the whole context of the problem? So that the problem was solved the first time, and the service specialist would not have to re-visit the facility? After all, each repeat departure automatically increases the internal costs of the company.
  • Do the service engineers have enough qualifications to solve the problem immediately on the spot? After all, if this is not the case, then this again entails additional costs.
  • Does the service engineer have enough internal motivation to withstand the emotional pressure from an employee who sent an application a long time ago and is already languishing from the heat and can no longer work in such conditions; so as not to lose his face and translate the dialogue into a constructive plane?

These are just some of the many questions that incorrect answers to which can lead to unforeseen increased costs and undermine employee loyalty to their employer. The larger the infrastructure and the more users of this infrastructure, the more important a properly built service process management system becomes. Digitalization of these processes and the management system of these processes makes it possible to increase the speed of processing incoming applications, the quality of work of service departments and, as a result, the level of employee satisfaction from interacting with their surrounding infrastructure and comfortable environment.

Sky Digital helps:

  • to digitize communication between employees and service providers;
  • to digitize the service processes;
  • transfer the management of digitized processes to a cloud platform;
  • integrate the platform with other existing internal systems.

This approach can be used not only in commercial organizations, but also in cities. When applied to urban infrastructure and urban services, it improves the quality of life of citizens and their satisfaction with urban services (for more information, see here: /)

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