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Just about complicated: CRM for small businesses

It has been a long time since we have pleased you with the heading "Just about complicated".

Today the teamSailet is back with a new theme that will be useful for small businesses.

Let's figure out what a CRM is and how to implement it into your business process.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a way of managing customer relationships that helps businesses create deeper connections with customers and provide better service.

It is based on the use of special technologies that help businesses better understand and meet customer needs.

  • Improving customer interaction:

Ability to record customer preferences, past purchases and other important information. This allows you to customize the service individually, offer personalized recommendations and meet their needs.

  • Control of managers and KPIs:

Track the work done by managers and take into account key performance indicators (KPIs). This helps to assess how successfully employees perform their tasks and achieve their goals.

  • Optimization of sales processes:

Simplify the sales process by easily tracking customer requests, order processing and payment monitoring. Which allows you to save time and resources to improve the efficiency of sales, and provide a smoother customer service.

  • Analysis for decision-making:

The ability to analyze data, which helps to make more informed decisions for business development.

  • Missed opportunities:

Without a centralized database and customer information, a business may miss out on the chances of personalized service, cross-selling or re-selling.

  • Lack of transparency:

Loss of information about previous contacts, orders or customer problems. This makes it difficult to provide effective service and can create a negative impression on customers.

  • Lack of organization of work:

Without a CRM system, a business can face chaos and irregularity in its work. The absence of a client data management system can lead to loss of information, duplication of work and inefficient distribution of tasks.

  • Inefficient data analysis:

A company cannot quickly and efficiently extract valuable information from its customer data. This can interfere with making informed decisions and optimizing business processes.

  • Managing contacts

Allows you to create, store and manage customer contact information. May include names, addresses, phone numbers, addresses, email addresses and other important information.

  • Tracking interactions

It has the ability to track all contacts and interactions with customers. Includes phone calls, emails, meetings and other forms of communication.

  • Sales Management

Manages the sales process, from leading potential customers to closing deals. Sales tracking, offer and contract management, sales forecasting and much more.

  • Analytics

Offers powerful analytics tools to study customer and sales data. Helps in identifying trends, determining the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and improving sales strategies.

  • Reporting

It can automate the creation of various reports. Reports on sales, employee performance, customers, etc.

  • Business needs:

It is important to determine what specific functions and capabilities are needed to support operations and manage customer relationships in the company.

  • Budget:

It is necessary to take into account the financial possibilities and choose a CRM that corresponds to the available budget, including both the initial costs of acquisition and implementation, as well as further maintenance and upgrade costs.

  • Integration requirements:

If other systems are already in use (for example, an accounting system or email), it is important to consider the requirements for integrating CRM with existing applications and data exchange.

  • Scalability:

Given the potential growth of the business, it is worth choosing a system that can scale and adapt to the expansion of the scale and increase the customer base.

  • Support and training:

Evaluate the availability of technical support and training from the CRM provider. It is important to be able to get help and training to use the system effectively.

Now let's look at popular CRM systems:

  • Bitrix24

Offers comprehensive solutions, including CRM, tasks and projects, contact center and other functions.

  • Salesforce

Is one of the leaders in the field of CRM, offers a wide range of functions for managing customer relationships, including sales, customer service, marketing and analytics.

  • Hubspot

It is well suited for companies engaged in inbound marketing. A free version of the system is also available.

  • Zoho CRM

This system offers an extensive set of functions at an affordable price. Integrates with many other Zoho products, including ERP, project management, etc.

  • Pipedrive

Extremely easy to use, the system is focused on sales and offers visualization functions of the sales funnel.

  • Choice

Identify your business needs, evaluate the various options, the possibility of integration and compare the budget.

  • Integration

Define the implementation goals, responsible persons, schedule and work plan.

2.1 Consider integrators if necessary and configure the system according to business processes.

2.2 Create the necessary reports, funnel and integrations.

2.3 Transfer the data to the new CRM system, ensuring their purity, relevance and integrity.

  • Training

Train your staff to work with the new CRM system, provide them with the necessary resources and support.

  • Optimization

Provide user support, collect feedback, and optimize the system as needed.

Let's look at what it looks like with an example:

This is how the built sales funnel looks in the CRM system: Bitrix24.

And this is how an example of a transaction report in Bitrix24 looks like

Also, let's look at what you can expect from a CRM system.


  • Choosing the wrong CRM

Choose a system that does not meet the needs of the business and may be ineffective.

  • Lack of planning and preparation

Which can lead to problems during the process, such as delays or non-compliance with expectations.

  • Failed data migration

It may lead to the loss or distortion of information, which will have a negative impact on the business.

  • Insufficient training and user support

Improper use of the CRM system, which will reduce its efficiency and capabilities.


  • Failure to take into account business needs

Usually leads to inappropriate functionality that will not meet the requirements and goals of the business.

  • Focus on cost instead of functionality

Will not fully meet the needs of the company.

  • Lack of research and comparison in various variants

Missing out on the best solutions and opportunities that might be useful.

  • An attempt to implement everything at once

Chaotic and inefficient implementation of the CRM system, which complicates the process and can lead to problems.

  • Lack of planning and preparation

If you neglect this point, the company will expect problems and delays in the process of implementing a CRM system.

For this item, there are 4 indicators that show the successful operation of the CRM:

  • Improving satisfaction

When customer loyalty increases, which is expressed, for example, by repeated purchases or positive reviews.

  • Raising the average check

Increase in average sales volume per customer. By identifying opportunities for cross-selling and increasing the average check.

  • Shortening the transaction cycle

Reducing the time spent on closing deals, which allows you to quickly convert potential customers into solvent ones.

  • Increase in sales

The increase in sales also serves as an indicator of the successful use of CRM in the company.

As a result, it is worth noting that the introduction of CRM plays an important role in managing client relationships.

And with proper preparation and understanding of business needs, its implementation will help improve customer interaction, which contributes to the development of your business.

Also friends, if you want to develop your own CRM system, our team is ready to help, thanks to project development services.

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