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The development of AI in law

Let's take a look at history, where Bruce Buchanan and Thomas Hedrick anticipated the future in 1970 in a fascinating dance of artificial intelligence and legal reflections. In their article "Some reflections on artificial intelligence and legal justification", they illuminated the way, and L. Thorne McCarthy was subsequently the first to raise the torch of research by creating a unique expert system "Taxman".

A decade of silence followed, but the idea did not leave the minds of researchers. In the 1990s, a new star broke out in the development sky - electronic government. Machine learning, as a long-awaited guest, has become an integral part of management tasks, recalling itself in the best traditions of the last century.

The last decades have brought a wave of innovations in the field of LegalTech. Projects that solve specific tasks have become a familiar sight. For example, the DoNotPay service, launched in 2014, has become a real salvation for car owners, helping them fight unfair parking fines.

However, as in the most exciting story, in 2023, a startup that dreamed of sending its AI lawyer to a court hearing in the form of AR glasses faced resistance. State bar associations have raised swords, threatening the company with lawsuits for practicing without a license.

In the whirlwind of LegalTech, we see three important types of tools, each of which puts its mark on the future of the legal world:

Artificial intelligence is closely intertwined with electronic document management systems, facilitating not only the classification of incoming emails, but also the analysis of huge amounts of data containing contracts, invoices and acts. The routine task of classification becomes easy and fast, freeing employees from monotonous work.

In the world of legal data, where date replacement is required in thousands of records, RPA is coming on the scene. Artificial intelligence combined with RPA becomes a reliable ally, allowing you to automate repetitive tasks that go beyond the capabilities of traditional systems such as SAP.

AI not only analyzes, but also creates. From pre—trial claims to applications for cancellation of parking fines, artificial intelligence generates various documents, giving legal professionals freedom from routine creative tasks.

AI becomes an integral advisor and assistant in decision-making, providing expert information and analyzing legal issues.

Let's take a look at the arenas of the Chinese legal revolution, where a few years ago the melody about the "AI judge" sounded. In the best traditions of scientific journalism, journalists went into a detailed analysis of this tempting headline, imagining a digital Chinese court where artificial intelligence, as an impartial arbitrator, makes decisions.

However, as often happens, the reality turned out to be much more mundane. AI, presented as a judicial virtuoso, turned out to be more of an assistant system. His functions do not include passing final sentences, but, on the contrary, he has become an ally of judges in their daily struggle with routine.

The main strength of this technology is manifested in the automation of processes such as the search for seized property and putting it up for auction, as well as the analysis of articles of laws. Artificial intelligence becomes a human assistant, freeing judges from the heavy burden of daily duties and allowing them to focus on the more complex and intellectual aspects of their work.

Thus, although artificial intelligence in the Chinese legal system is far from making final decisions, its implementation brings efficiency and automation to areas where routine tasks can be successfully defiled to the digital scene.

This is a really fascinating feature of the introduction of artificial intelligence into lawsuits - the need for a detailed justification of the judge's decision if it disagrees with the opinion of AI. This practice has several exciting aspects:

The introduction of AI forces judges to be more transparent in their decisions. When a judge's decision does not coincide with the conclusions of artificial intelligence, a detailed explanation is required, which contributes to openness and clarity in making judicial decisions.

This practice is becoming a powerful tool in the fight against corruption. The ability to use AI as a neutral and impartial adviser reduces the risk of making decisions at the local level influenced by bribes or personal interests of the judge.

Due to detailed justifications of judges' decisions, when they differ from the conclusions of AI, public confidence in the judicial system is strengthened. This is important for maintaining the stability of the legal order and social harmony.

Ultimately, this practice can contribute to the development of the legal system itself. The interaction of man and machine can make the judicial decision process more reasonable, comprehensive and effective.

Thus, the intervention of artificial intelligence in judicial processes not only increases efficiency, but also serves to protect against possible distortions of justice, playing an important role in strengthening transparency and trust in the judicial system.

The use of algorithms to calculate the probability of recidivism and recommendations on the cost of bail or punishment becomes an invaluable support for judges. Based on years of data, these algorithms ensure objectivity and help to avoid subjective influences.

Learning algorithms based on multi-page questionnaires from convicts turn huge amounts of information into valuable data. AI can help judges analyze extensive documents by providing a squeeze and suggesting which documents should be examined first. This speeds up the process and makes it more efficient.

Research, such as the algorithm for predicting U.S. Supreme Court decisions, highlights the potential of AI in predicting the outcome of court cases. Tracking and accounting for various parameters in the case history allows algorithms to make very accurate predictions, which can be very valuable for predicting future decisions.

With the advent of such technologies, important ethical issues arise. How to balance AI decisions with judges' decisions? How to ensure fairness and respect for individual rights in the decision-making process based on algorithms?

Recalling F. Chilander's words, we see that the future of litigation may be deeply connected with technologies like AI. However, how they will be integrated into the judicial system remains an open question that will be discussed in our society and the legal community.

Modern tools, including artificial intelligence, are becoming an integral part of law education. Students who want to study effectively can take advantage of the opportunities of AI. For example, ChatGPT-type systems can provide students with lists of links with brief descriptions of their queries, which makes it easier to find information.

The next key stage in the development of education is the introduction of individualized learning trajectories with the support of artificial intelligence. In this system, an AI working on the university's side is able to assess the level of students' knowledge through special tests and job evaluations. Using this data, the system identifies the strengths and weaknesses of each student, and then offers an individualized curriculum adapted to the unique needs and pace of assimilation of materials.

In the context of providing access to legal services for the general public, artificial intelligence is designed to optimize time and save resources. For example, chatbots can provide basic advice by pointing to the relevant article of the law, which allows people to figure out legal issues on their own. It also reduces the need to pay for full-fledged legal advice for simple requests, making the process of obtaining legal assistance more accessible and efficient.

After reading all this, did you become afraid of the future? (considering how we have accelerated this very future, it is about 10 years). 

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