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Jaiq Hub residents entered the top 10 at the Robotics Championship in the USA

The Republic of Kazakhstan was represented by pupils of the West Kazakhstan region at the FIRST LEGO League Challenge international open championship. The Toro D'oro team defended the honor of the country among 108 teams from 50 countries of the world. The competitions were held on the basis of the top polytechnic university of the USA - Worcester Polytechnic University. Following the results of the three-day championship, the team entered the ranking of the ten strongest robots in the game, scoring 500 points out of 550 possible.

- The competition days were very tense, because the opponents were from among the strongest teams from Japan, South Korea, and a number of European countries. But our children were determined for the result and selflessly fought for the honor of the country. The lack of equivalent experience with rivals did not prevent them from entering the top ten and being remembered by other participants for their skill in playing robots," shared the team's coach Kaysar Yesengali.

Recall that the teams received a ticket to the world championship during the Central Asian Championship Central Asia FIRST Championship

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