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Solva Technology opens a laboratory for training and employment of IT specialists

Solva Group ltd has completed the registration of a subsidiary of Solva Technology at the site of Astana Hub, the largest technopark in Central Asia. The company will train qualified IT specialists for further employment in leading companies in the banking and fintech sectors of Kazakhstan.

Solva Technology and Laboratory 3.0

The first project of the Solva experts Technology will become Laboratory 3.0 is a training program for specialists in the most popular IT areas - Java/Kotlin Backend Development, QA Manual, QA Automation, Business Analysis, DevOps, Mobile Flutter Development, Frontend ReactJS Development, Data Engineering.

"The program It is a continuation of the internal project of the Solva IT team to ensure the company's own IT needs , in which 276 Junior specialists in the field of information technology have already been trained and interned," said Sergey Klimov, CTO Solva Group and CEO of Solva Technology.

The main difference between the Laboratory 3.0 program and conventional IT courses is that the project is designed for young professionals with basic knowledge who will be professionally selected. After the formation of the "laboratory assistants" group, from the first day of training they receive a scholarship equal to the salary of a young IT specialist in the market. The uniqueness of the program for the Kazakhstani market lies in the new format of training and adaptation of novice specialists, which guarantees employment. The project team consists of experienced mentors and industrial experts who have developed training programs based on current market requirements and technological trends.

Applications to Laboratory 3.0 are open until August 12 in two directions – Backend-development in Java/Kotlin and DevOps. "All candidates for the Java position Junior Developers will undergo a technical interview, where the most important thing for us is a confident knowledge of Java Core and SQL, as well as experience working with at least relational databases," notes Igor Nasibyants, mentor Laboratory 3.0. — It is important for us that our eyes burn, and a person shows that he has potential, and not just a desire to enter IT." The first group will consist of 13 novice developers.

The set of twelve DevOps juniors is aimed at specialists with a minimum of six months of experience in DevOps or system administration. Candidates must have knowledge of Linux operating systems and have experience working with Amazon Web Services and Docker, understand the DevOps lifecycle, have the skills to write scripts and work with SQL. It is also important that candidates not only possess the listed skills, but also demonstrate commitment and readiness for professional growth.

Konstantin Barabanov, CEO of Solva Group ltd:

"Constant investments in IT development and its own training program for full-stack teams have allowed Solva to become a true technology leader - the Group currently employs more than 140 IT specialists, thanks to whom we were the first to offer a completely unsecured online loan for sole proprietors and LLP, successfully completed an unprecedented integration with a partner bank for issuing debit cards, launched at least a dozen innovative credit products for SMEs and retail customers, and finally deployed a banking ABS. We are glad to have the opportunity to share our experience in nurturing young IT specialists and hope, thanks to Solva Technology, to make a significant contribution to the development of an already super-dynamic IT market The Republic of Kazakhstan".


Find out more and register for the Laboratory program 3.0 is available on the official website of Solva Technology. Up to 12 In August, a set was opened in two directions – Backend development in Java/Kotlin and DevOps.

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