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Solva Technology invites you to cooperate: Laboratory 3.0 project trains IT specialists for Kazakhstani companies

Solva Technology, the development center of one of the leading fintech companies in Kazakhstan - Solva Group Ltd., is successfully implementing the Laboratory 3.0 project aimed at training specialists in the field of IT. The Laboratory arose as a response to the growing demand for qualified IT personnel and the rapidly changing demands of the technology market.

About the Laboratory 3.0 project

Laboratory 3.0 is an initiative of Solva Technology, which offers in—depth and analytical training of specialists in the most popular areas in IT: Java/Kotlin and PHP Backend Development, 1C, QA Manual, QA Automation, Business/System Analysis, DevOps, Mobile Flutter Development, Frontend ReactJS Development, Data Engineering and others. The main difference between this project and conventional educational programs is that the training takes place in an offline format with full immersion in office processes, takes an 8-hour working day and is focused on performing real tasks that graduates face at their first jobs. At the same time, during the three-month training, the “laboratory assistant” receives a scholarship equal to the salary of a young full-time employee, which motivates him to study without being distracted by other work. And, as a result, with successful training results, a junior specialist gets a job.

An important part of the Laboratory 3.0 concept is an opportunity for novice IT specialists to not only gain theoretical knowledge in three months, but also learn how to work with modern technologies in practice, solve tasks in a team, interact with project managers and colleagues.

Opportunities for partners

The Laboratory 3.0 project provides companies with the opportunity to collaborate at different levels. This can be both attracting graduates to jobs, and deeper interaction, including training specialists for specific tasks and technologies of the employer.

Partner companies can reserve the best candidates in advance, as well as individually customize the learning process to suit their needs, so that graduates already have all the necessary skills at the start of work and are ready to be involved in projects. This model of cooperation allows you to minimize the risks associated with the search and adaptation of new employees, since graduates come to projects already prepared.

Why is this important

Over the past few years, the IT market in Kazakhstan has grown significantly, and the need for qualified personnel continues to grow. In conditions of high competition for talent, companies often face a shortage of experienced specialists, and the training and adaptation of new employees can take a lot of time and resources. Laboratory 3.0 offers partners a solution to these tasks by providing specialists who have already passed all stages of training and are ready to start work immediately.

Initially, the project was launched back in 2021 to cover the internal needs for qualified IT personnel for Solva Group Ltd projects. Since then, more than 250 junior specialists have been trained and joined the teams of the holding, friendly companies and partner companies. Solva Group project managers note that graduates quickly adapt to work processes and effectively join teams. They are already familiar with key technologies, understand how development processes work and are ready to solve complex tasks from day one. This significantly reduces the time for their onboarding and training.

"After the lab, we got good junior specialists to join our team. They actively study the project and increase their expertise, take the initiative and offer solutions, – says Alexander Migachev, Technical Project Manager at Solva. – At the same time, they have become reliable team players and have a decent level of working communications and interactions with colleagues. The guys are not afraid to ask questions and easily adapt to new conditions. They cope well with the tasks set, respond positively to criticism and are open to comments from the outside. They try to take part in the life of the team and take the initiative in their work."

Thus, the Laboratory 3.0 project is a unique opportunity for companies in Kazakhstan to gain access to new personnel who are ready for the modern challenges of the IT market. Partners receive specialists who already have practical experience, which reduces the cost of their adaptation and increases the efficiency of the teams.

If you are interested in cooperation with Solva Technology within the framework of the Laboratory 3.0 project, you can contact the project manager to discuss the partnership. Contact us!Email: partners@solvatech.kzBusiness WhatsApp 

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Не понял, поучаствовать в ней получится или это только для партнеров?


Добрый день, Жанат! Конечно, основное направление "лаборатории" - подготовка IT-специалистов с гарантированным трудоустройством. В данном материале мы приглашаем стать нашими партнерами компании, которым нужны сильные джуниор-специалисты - наши выпускники.
