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IT Infrastructure Sustainability: Key Strategies for 2024.

In the face of growing cyber threats and unpredictable external factors, the sustainability of the IT infrastructure is becoming critically important for organizations. In 2024, attention is focused on several key strategies that will help ensure the reliability and continuity of IT systems.

1. Development of business continuity plans. Creating and testing business continuity and disaster recovery plans are becoming mandatory to minimize the consequences of failures and attacks. These plans include data backup, system restoration, and communication with stakeholders.

2. Implementation of solutions for automated monitoring. Modern monitoring and management tools allow you to monitor the status of systems in real time and respond promptly to incidents. The integration of automated monitoring systems helps to quickly identify and eliminate problems before they escalate.

3. Strengthening cyber defense and preventing attacks. With the increasing number of cyber attacks, organizations are paying special attention to strengthening their protective measures. The introduction of modern security tools, such as intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) and threat and vulnerability management solutions, helps reduce risks.

4. Investments in education and training of personnel. Regular training of employees in the field of cybersecurity and incident management helps to reduce the likelihood of human error and increase the readiness of the team for various situations.

These strategies help organizations create a more sustainable IT infrastructure that can effectively cope with challenges and ensure stable business operation in an unstable external environment.