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You don't need a personal development if...

Hello everyone, friends! Today at Sailet we touch on a topic that will arouse the interest of many of you: "You don't need personal development if...". We have prepared a voluminous article, but each paragraph in it is an investment in understanding when an individual approach to development is really necessary for your business, and when you can do with standard solutions. We promise that the information will be valuable, providing you with new angles of view on the optimization and strategic planning of your projects.

Individual development is a significant investment. According to industry research, the average cost of developing a small product can start at $30,000 and increase depending on the complexity and functionality. It is also important to count the entire cost of ownership. This is the sum of all costs incurred by the buyer when purchasing and/or using the product. For example, with product development it is:

  • infrastructure;
  • Google, Apple accounts;
  • Technical support;
  • various additional services;
  • User support;
  • etc., depending on the project.

Action plan:

  • Evaluate your actual current budget and determine what funds you can allocate for digitalization.
  • Explore the market for ready-made solutions that can meet most of your needs without significant initial investments.
  • Consider gradually moving to custom development as your business grows and your available budget increases.

Market conditions sometimes require a quick launch of a project, and individual development is a process that can take months or even years. Flexible development and the launch of MVP can help here, but it also takes time. Most often, the first hypothesis can be confirmed by a simple set of steps, generally without resorting to development. You need to check the process and whether customers are willing to pay for it, because the product may not be confirmed.

Action plan:

  • Determine the time frame in which you need to enter the market, and assess whether you can meet them by developing a project from scratch.
  • Explore ready-made platforms as an opportunity for a quick start, followed by customization to suit the specifics of your business.
  • Plan a user feedback phase to optimize the product after launch.

If you can fully meet the needs of your business with standard features, it may not be worth investing in developing a customized solution. Yes, no two companies are the same, but this does not mean that you need to develop your own CRM first. You need to come to personal development for you when you face the limitations of the vendor. If you are an operating company and have not tried anything “ready-made”, most likely it will be an extremely expensive reinvented “bicycle".

Action plan:

  • Analyze key business processes and determine whether they can be effectively automated using standard solutions.
  • Study the reviews and case studies of companies with similar needs that successfully use ready-made solutions.
  • Start with an MVP (minimum viable product) based on a standard solution to test its effectiveness without significant initial investment.

Complex projects require knowledge and resources. If your team does not have these competencies or does not allocate time to interact with the contractor, managing an individual development project may be an impossible task. This does not mean that you have to do the contractor's work. This means that a full immersion is needed, because the contractor does not know all the nuances. On average, it takes about 20% of the responsible person's time from the volume of the entire project. Conditionally, if the development lasts 1000 hours, then the responsible person will spend 200 hours.

Action plan:

  • Evaluate the internal resources and competencies of your team.
  • Consider bringing in external experts or outsourcing to manage the project, for example, us)
  • Plan employee training or hire specialists with the necessary skills to successfully run the project.

Custom development becomes critical when standard solutions are not able to meet the unique requirements of your business. This is especially true for companies operating in niche market segments or having specific processes that require a special approach to automation and data management.

Companies with unique business processes

Organizations whose operations or services do not meet a generally accepted standard and require a special approach will not find a suitable solution out of the box. Individual development allows you to fine-tune the functionality to specific requirements and processes, improving efficiency and customer service.

Startups with innovative ideas

For startups seeking to introduce innovative products or services to the market, standard solutions often prove to be limiting. Individual development provides the freedom to experiment and implement unique ideas that can become the basis for future success in the market.

Companies in need of integration and automation

Organizations with multiple disparate systems and applications can significantly improve their operational efficiency by developing a customized solution that integrates data and processes into a single system, providing automation and improved management.

Businesses seeking to comply with specific security and privacy requirements

In industries where data security and confidentiality requirements are particularly high (for example, in the financial sector or healthcare), custom development allows you to create systems that fully comply with these standards, minimizing risks and ensuring customer trust.

  • Uniqueness and competitive advantage: Customized software can be a significant competitive advantage, making your business stand out in the market. About 75% of managers believe that the personalization of products and services helps to increase their effectiveness and attractiveness to customers.
  • Efficiency Improvement: According to a study conducted by Gartner, companies that implement personalized IT solutions can achieve a 20-40% increase in productivity by automating business processes.
  • Flexibility and scalability: Personalized solutions allow you to respond more flexibly to changes in the business environment and scale functionality in accordance with the growth and development of the company.
  • Competitive advantage: The availability of a unique software product designed specifically for the needs and goals of the company can become a significant competitive advantage in the market.
  • Investment optimization: Although the initial costs of individual development may be high, in the long run they pay off by increasing efficiency and reducing operating costs.

The choice between a ready-made solution and an individual development depends on many factors, including the specifics of your business, budget, deadlines and strategic goals. It is important to remember that investments in personalized software can bring significant dividends in the form of uniqueness in the market, flexibility and efficiency.

A small checklist to make it easier to make a decision. If you answered at least half of the questions yes, leave a request on the website so that we can advise you.

Checklist for making a decision on individual development

  • Are there any unique business processes that cannot be automated using standard solutions?
  • Is there a specific functionality required that is not present in the finished products?
  • Do I need to integrate the new solution with existing systems?
  • Are there any special requirements for data exchange and security?
  • What is the total budget for the development and implementation of the solution?
  • Does the expected cost of development correspond to your financial capabilities?
  • What is the time frame for the product launch?
  • Is it realistic to develop an individual solution in a timely manner?
  • Does your team have the necessary technical expertise to manage an individual development project?
  • Are you ready to involve external specialists to develop and support the project?
  • Will it be necessary to scale the solution in the future?
  • Does custom development make it easy to adapt to the changes and growth of your business?
  • Can a customized solution provide you with a competitive advantage in the market?
  • Will it help to improve customer interaction or optimize internal operations?
  • Have the potential risks associated with individual development been assessed?
  • Is there a plan to minimize and manage these risks?
  • How does an individual solution fit into the long-term strategy of your business?
  • Is there any provision for support and development of the solution after its launch?
  • Have reviews and case studies on similar projects been studied?
  • Are there any examples of successful implementation of such solutions in your industry?

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