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On June 24-25, 2024, the Mangystau Regional Hackathon of innovative solutions for youth and youth of the region" MANGYSTAU TECH youth HAKATON "was held in the small conference hall of the Holiday Inn Hotel, organized by the Alash Armani public Foundation and Mangystau Hub. 

The event was held with the support of the Department for youth policy of Mangystau region and the Center for support of civil initiatives.

The hackathon is a group competition of schoolchildren, students and young IT specialists gathered to solve social problems among young people in Mangystau region, which contributes to the development of digitalization.

The main goal of the hackathon is to develop innovative IT solutions aimed at preventing social problems among young people and raising awareness of key issues such as drug distribution, gambling (ludomania), suicide, early pregnancy and unemployment through the introduction of a modern and convenient digital solution.

Within 24 hours of the hackathon, 50 participants were united in 14 teams to develop innovative solutions in Aktau, Mangystau region. For 2 days, they worked on the development of innovative solutions in Aktau, Mangystau region.

On June 25, the participants of the hackathon defended their competitive work in front of a jury consisting of representatives of the Department for youth policy of Mangystau region, the public fund "Alash Arman", Mangystau Hub and invited IT experts from outside.

According to the results of the hackathon:

І I place-the team" Bit Storm " (students of Yessenov University);

І the second place was taken by the team" Hura work "(students of the 11th grade" Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools");

І the third place was taken by the team" SolveNow "(students of the 11th grade" Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools"). 

The winners of the hackathon were awarded special diplomas and financial certificates with a prize fund of 700,000 tenge. The winning teams had the opportunity to complete and continue their projects.

The financial certificates were sponsored by the Alash Armani public Foundation and the Mangystau Hub regional hub.

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