Business mission to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

Have you been wanting to explore the Asian market for a long time, but have been postponing it? Then this is a sign that it's time to buy tickets!
The business mission to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur is a mix of business and tourism: from attending industry-specific events, acquaintances with local IT companies and market experts to barbecue by the pool and city tours.
It will be useful if you:
— are an entrepreneur or business owner looking for a new market for development or creating a hub in Southeast Asia;
— are a top manager of a large company looking for opportunities for scaling or relocation;
— are a remote employee looking for a cool city to live in.
The organizers are the founders of the GoAsia Club, entrepreneurs and specialists with extensive experience in different markets. All of them now live in Malaysia and regularly visit other Southeast Asian countries.
• Gadzhimurad Aliev — an experienced entrepreneur with 10+ years in the venture industry. He chose Kuala Lumpur as his home and now wants to show it to everyone!
• Alexey Kostarev — the founder of the international platform for creators MegaMod, a serial entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience. He loves to gather guests at his Malaysian residence!
• Klavdia Potapova — Product Director and CTO of the international platform for creators MegaMod. In a year in Malaysia, she has explored all the hiking trails and is ready to surprise you!
Dates: from September 12 to September 19.
You can learn more about the program and apply for participation on the website.
Event type
Start date
Sept. 12, 2023, 5:30 p.m.
End date
Sept. 19, 2023, 5:30 p.m.