E-commerce Kazakhstan Conference – online e-commerce conference

On June 16, 2022, the first E-commerce Kazakhstan Conference will be held — an online conference for those who work in the field of e-commerce, where experts and market leaders will share their experience and knowledge on how to sell online and how to increase their sales. We will analyze which online marketing tools a business should use to outperform its competitors.
The Academy of Internet Marketing WebPromoExperts has collected interesting cases, proven tools and the best experts. Representatives of top companies that have significantly succeeded in the e-commerce market will share their honest experience, namely: Google, OLX Kazakhstan, OZON Marketplace Kazakhstan, Satu, Ticketon, ForteBank Kazakhstan, Technodom, ForteMarket and others.
Speakers prepare bright informative reports with graphs, tables, figures, cases, and everything that can be useful for use in any online business.
What awaits you at the conference?
-14 reports with real cases and personal experience of representatives of online commerce;
-8 hours of inspiring examples and fresh ideas;
- the opportunity to ask a question to the speaker in the chat;
- bonuses, promotions and gifts from the organizer and partners.
At the conference you will learn:
- what are the trends in e-commerce today;
- trends in the e-commerce market of Kazakhstan;
- why you should switch to e-commerce;
- how is the e-commerce market developing in Kazakhstan;
- how to overtake competitors on marketplaces;
- only the most unique and useful cases that have not been previously announced.
The conference will be useful to everyone who in 2022 is ready to further expand the horizons of online commerce and increase sales: owners of online stores and retail businesses, heads of marketing and sales departments, as well as marketers who solve point tasks.
Register to get more useful information and become a top company in the Internet business!
Event type
Start date
June 16, 2022, 9 a.m.
End date
June 16, 2022, 5 p.m.