FAIL UP NIGHT: "Customer development of a healthy startup. Why are we so driven by the approval of customers, and not understanding the problem?"
Why are companies so driven by customer approval rather than problem understanding?
We'll talk in Fail Up Night about the costly hallucinations in the minds of the founders, where they lead us and how to dispel them.
Askhat is a tracker for startups and product teams, a coach for launching startups and Agile methodology, the founder of the counterparty verification service. He has 250+ corporate clients in Kazakhstan and Russia, 97% of them return to him. Askhat also created an interesting telegram channel “Fail Fast & Furious” about the creation of products, points of multiple growth and the experiences of the founders.
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Start date
March 10, 2022, 6 p.m.
End date
March 10, 2022, 8 p.m.