International Programming Olympiad "Proggy-Buggy Towel Contest".

On May 25, 2022, DataArt invites everyone to take part in the International Humorous Programming Olympiad "Proggy-Buggy Towel Contest".

The humorous Olympiad for programmers has been held since 2013, in which representatives of more than 16 countries take part annually. Schoolchildren and students, developers, testers and just gambling people who have an idea of how programs are written and who know what "standard input/output streams" are can take part. 42 minutes are given to solve 13 problems.  The winners will receive memorable prizes.

Simple and fun Olympiad tasks are given in English.  

You can take part:


2) offline in Almaty, 280 Baizakov Street, SmaArtPoint coworking space, 1st floor, SmartSpace hall

3) Offline in Nur-Sultan, Mangilik El Avenue, 55/23.AIFC Bureau of Continuous Professional Development.


19.00 - 20.00 IT Talk with DataArt experts

20.00 - 21.00 coffee break +networking

21.00 -21:45 Proggy-Buggy Towel Contest 2022