E-labs infrastructure

Амплификатор детектирующий

  • Mark/Model

    Тип ДТпрайм-4М1;

  • Year of release


  • Quantity


  • Country of origin


  • Types of work

    ПЦР исследования

  • Main technical characteristics

    Формат термоблока 96 пробирок на 0,2мл(12х8); диапазон температур теммоблока 0…100°С; скорость нагрева термоблока в диапазоне температур 4…99 3°С/сек; элемент Пельтье; источник возбуждения –светодиод; число каналов -5;

  • Scope of application


  • Operating instructions

    В интернете

  • Name of the organization

    НАО "ЗКМУ имени М.Оспанова"

  • Scope of application

    Medical Sciences

  • Type of infrastructure

    Scientific, educational

  • Infrastructure subtype


  • Phone number


  • Email


Submit an application
To request the use of the facility, fill out the application form by clicking on the "Submit application" button. Representatives of the organization that placed this object will contact you to clarify the details. If you have not received a response, please contact the specified contacts.

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