Innovative equipment of technological processes
Purpose of the laboratory
Research laboratory «Innovative equipment of technological processes» carries out planning of organizational, applied scientific research, design and engineering, control of technological works, provision of measurement services and implementation of scientific and technical products, in close connection with the educational process.
Date of creation of the laboratory
Government agency
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Types of tests carried out by the laboratory
Modernization of existing gas cleaning and heat and mass transfer equipment. Creation of highly efficient and intensive technological equipment. Calculation, design and manufacture: -installations, block modules, equipment of internal devices of gas cleaning and heat and mass transfer equipment of auxiliary equipment. Technological and hardware development of processes. Laboratory studies of hydrodynamics, processes of heat and mass transfer and dust collection, optimization of processes and devices.
Name of the organization
Auezov University
Scope of application
Technical and engineering sciences
Type of infrastructure
Infrastructure subtype
Scientific organizations
• Лабораторная модель колонного аппарата с трубчатой насадкой для исследования элементарных актов гидродинамики, тепло- и массообмена • Сепаратор для разделения твердых частиц по крупности • Полупромышленная экспериментальная барабанная сушильная установка • Дисковый вакуум-фильтр промышленного образца для разделения суспензии • Вибрационная мельница • Шаровая мельница • Лабораторная модель колонного аппарата для исследования гидродинамики, тепло- и массообмена • Шаровая мельница с наклонной решеткой • Пресс лабораторный
Phone number