
BigData Team

Big Data / Machine Learning Engineer

756 000 ₸
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Available 41 Quotas

The purpose of the course:to prepare specialists for the profession of Big Data Engineer (BDE) or Machine Learning Engineer (MLE), to teach them how to write clean and supported code, to teach them how to apply fundamental knowledge when choosing technologies to solve product problems. BDE specialists will learn how to work with Big Data processing frameworks and will understand the principles of data analysis, while MLE specialists will have practical experience solving classification, regression and clustering problems, be able to work with machine learning frameworks and understand the ideology of working with Big Data.The course consists of three parts:1. Python for working with big data and data analysis: 10+ modules for mastering the database ("Pythonic" development, basics of setting up the environment, basics of data analysis, database on algorithms and data structures, Big-O notation);2. Industrial development in Python: 9 weeks to study work with testing, deployment and work on code quality; 3. Depending on the direction (the same academic load):(for BDE specialists) Practical course on Big Data: 10 weeks of practice working with HDFS, YARN, MapReduce, Hive, Spark RDD/DataFrame/SQL, Kafka, Spark Structured Streaming, Cassandra/NoSQL, Data Layout (Parquet, ORC, ...).(for MLE specialists) Practical course on Machine Learning: 10 weeks of practice solving classification and regression problems (linear and nonlinear models, SVM, random forest and boosting), immersion in working with neural networks (Deep Learning) and Unsupervised Learning.Link to the input testing: https://forms.gle/AxXNcRhRaR6pvKEr7

Special condition

fines: 1. in case of expulsion during the study period: (pro-rated) a fine in the amount of the completed part of the training 2. for non-compliance with the deadlines for reporting on grants (symmetrical requirement between Astana Hub and IT schools) 3. a fine in the amount of the full cost of the grant in case of unsuccessful completion of the final test (and other similar assessment and qualification procedures issued by the grant-givers Tech Orda, Astana Hub

Course details


For advanced

Study format




Entrance exams


Duration, in weeks


Duration in academic hours


Education language


Classes days_of_week


Teaching methodology

There are more practices than theories


Big Data Engineer (BDE) or Machine Learning Engineer (MLE)also applicable for: Data Engineer, (Big) Data Analyst, (Big) Data Scientist, Software Development Engineer

Classes format

1. MOOC + office hours (3 times a week for 3 hours)2. Online (3-4 hour classes once a week + live chat support)


They will learn to: write clean and maintainable code apply fundamental knowledge of Computer Science, Big Data and Machine learning when choosing technologies to solve product problems

Gain practical experience with: data analysis in Python industrial Python development (pytest, argparse, unicode, encodings, logging, YAML, Mock, Web, Design Patterns, monitoring, deployment)

BDE: Big Data (HDFS, YARN, MapReduce, Hive, Spark RDD/DataFrame/SQL, Kafka , Spark Structured Streaming, Cassandra/NoSQL, Data Layout (Parquet, ORC))

MLE: Machine Learning (numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, quality metrics, trees and ensembles (Random Forest, boosting) , neural networks (NN, DNN, CNN, RNN, Transformers, LLM), Unsupervised Learning and Dimensionality Reduction)


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