
Terricon School

Development of web interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React

572 400 ₸
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Available 5 Quotas

The course Developing Web Interfaces Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React is designed to teach students, aspiring developers and enthusiasts a comprehensive approach to creating dynamic web applications. This course will provide a solid foundation in web development, as well as in-depth knowledge of working with the modern React library for creating interfaces. Course participants will learn to develop structured and styled web pages, use JavaScript to add logic and interactivity, and use React to create components and manage application state.

Special condition

If it is impossible for the Student to continue studying due to the initiative or fault of the Student after the start of training under this Agreement, the School has the right to demand from the Student, and the Student undertakes to pay, a refund of tuition fees in the amount of the cost of the course, within 10 working days from the date of the School’s written request.

Course details


For beginner

Study format




Entrance exams


Duration, in weeks


Duration in academic hours


Education language


Classes days_of_week

Mon- fri

Teaching methodology

There are more practices than theories


Junior Веб-developer

Classes format

Lessons are conducted online 3 times a week for 1,5 hours each.


A deep understanding of web development technologies, including HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and their application to create modern web applications.

Ability to design and implement effective and beautiful user interfaces.

Skills in interacting with the server and external APIs to create dynamic web applications.

Knowledge of modern front-end development tools and methodologies, including frameworks and libraries such as React, as well as an understanding of the principles of operation of SPA (Single Page Application).

Willingness to independently develop full-fledged web projects and further professional development in the field of front-end development.


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