

Bootcamp: Big Data analysis and work (Power BI, SQL, Excel,AI)

598 000 ₸
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Available 31 Quotas

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A module for data analysis and visualization in Microsoft PowerBI. Building visualizations using the DAX language, the M language and advanced Power Query. You will learn how to create dashboards for key metrics on your own, learn how to connect analytical studies of data from a variety of sources: PDF, CSV, Excel files, SQL, Google Sheets, and many others.You will be able to independently collect, analyze and present important business data, create your own visual interactive personal project and learn how to think like an analyst.A module on databases and SQL language based on Microsoft SQL Server. Creating databases from scratch using DDL, learning subsets of DML, DCL, TCL. Window functions and CTE. You will learn how to structure data and extract the necessary information, create, edit, update databases and upload information for further analysis. Excel module from scratch to PRO using Power Query and Power Pivot. You will learn how to work with formulas, reports, sorting, filtering and data visualization from scratch. This module is aimed at understanding the processes and using the advanced features of the program, which will significantly increase your productivity.AI Module: you will master the basics of AI and implement 5 mini-projects using Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and of course GhatGPT (Azure OpenAI) using Microsoft Azure services. This module is aimed at understanding workloads: computer vision in Azure, the features of artificial intelligence, the functions of AI-generated workloads in Azure, the features of natural language processing (NLP) in Azure and the basic principles of machine learning. Discover the basic concepts of the cloud and learn how to implement Azure AI services in client applications.The course includes preparation for Microsoft certification in all the modules listed above.

Special condition

Гарантийный взнос в размере 100 000 тг. В срок не позднее 7 (семь) рабочих дней до начала обучения по Договору, Студент обязан внести депозит в размере 100 000 (сто тысяч) тенге на расчетный счет Школы, указанный в Договоре. Депозит возвращается Студенту в течение 10 (десяти) рабочих дней после успешного завершения им обучения в рамках Договора».

Course details


For all

Study format




Entrance exams


Duration, in weeks


Duration in academic hours


Education language


Classes days_of_week


Teaching methodology

There are more practices than theories


Junior Data Analyst

Classes format

Online webinar 1 time per week (SAT) for an hour and pre-recorded video tasks on the platform, office hours: constant communication with a personal mentor certified by Microsoft,career consultations with HR once a week for an hour.


Learn to analyze and visualize data

Create and manage databases

Build interactive dashboards

Skills in creating combinations using complex formulas

Ability to work with four tools essential for big data analysis: PowerBI, SQL, Excel, AI.

Learn to pass technical interviews and more. Also, add 2 final projects and 1 personal project to your portfolio.


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