Abai IT-Valley
Java from the basics to the first Production project
600 000 ₸About course
More on Abai IT-ValleyThe course is designed to study modern concepts and development tools in the Java language and gain the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to launch your own startup. You'll start with the basics, learning basic Java concepts such as variables, conditions, loops, and arrays. The course also covers more advanced topics, including working with exceptions, I/O, collections, and multithreading.
Special condition
Guarantee fee in the amount of 100,000 tenge. This deposit will be refunded upon successful completion of the course. Penalties are provided for absences, refusal to participate, or failed testing.
For beginnerStudy format
SeptemberEntrance exams
NoDuration, in weeks
42Duration in academic hours
168Education language
RussianClasses days_of_week
Mon-SatTeaching methodology
There are more practices than theoriesQualifications
Junior Java DeveloperClasses format
Offline lessons 2 times a week for 1.5 (one and a half) hoursSkills
The participant of the course will learn about the process of implementing Java applications in the production environment.
With Git, he understands the basic principles of creating and fielding applications, mastering versioning tools, continuous integration, and continuous fielding.
Also learn how to develop a web app using java and circles such as Spring or JavaServer Pages (JSF)
What is the Tech Orda program?
Tech Orda is a human capital development program in the field of IT. The program provides subsidized tunding for the training of IT specialists in private schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Where will the selection of candidates for training take place?
Acceptance and processing of applications will take place at the showcase of IT schools at astanahub.com portal.
What are the requirements for candidates?
The basic requirements for candidates include citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the age limit from 18 to 45 years. Additional requirements depend on the IT-school / IT-company and the course you choose. It is mandatory to read all the conditions before applying for training.
How much does the training cost?
The amount of financing is 600 000 tenge per person. If the tuition costs up to 600,000 tenge, the tuition fee is fully covered by the Program. If the cost exceeds 600,000 tenge, the remainder of the cost needs to be covered by the student himself.
How long does the quota training under the Tech Orda program last?
The training will take place from 6 months or more, depending on the Course and the IT-school you plan to enroll in.
How many IT schools participate in the program?
The list of all IT schools is available on the showcase of IT schools at astanahub.com portal.
How many applications can I submit?
Candidates can only apply for 5 (five) Participants of the Program.
How many scholarships/quotas can a candidate receive under the Program?
The candidate can only study 1 (one) once within the framework of the Program. There is one exception: A student can get training in 2 (two) Courses during the duration of the Program, only provided that one takes Courses that are pre- and post-prerequisites to each other from the same Participant of the Program (IT school/IT company). For example, if you first study for a Junior Web Developer at School X in 2023 and then apply for a Middle Web Developer at the same school X in 2024.
Can a student who has completed a quota training under the Program in 2023 apply again?
A student can get training in 2 (two) Courses during the duration of the Program, only provided that one takes Courses that are pre- and post-prerequisites to each other from the same Participant of the Program (IT school/IT company).
If I studied with a Program Participant in 2023 (IT schools/IT companies), but was on the waiting list, can I apply now?
Yes, you can. However, we recommend that you contact the Program Participant (where you have completed education) to confirm your status on the waiting list within the Program.
Is there an opportunity for a student to transfer from one IT school to another, which is also a Participant of the Tech Orda program?
As soon as the candidate confirms his choice to apply for a grant at a certain IT-school, there is no possibility to transfer to another school. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consider all available options before making a decision on accepting/rejecting a grant within the framework of the Program.
Should Candidates who have received a quota work out after training?
No, such counter obligations are not provided for by Astana Hub. Other conditions may be regulated in the contract between the IT-school and the student.
Can I opt out of studying during the learning process? Is there a penalty if I don't complete the training?
The conditions depend on the specific IT school/IT company you choose. In the school card on the showcaseof IT-schools at astanahub.com portal, there is a special 'Special conditions' section where this information can be indicated. Also, we recommend that you contact the IT school directly and find out about all the terms of the contract.
Can I study at the same time in an IT-company (EPAM) and an IT-school as part of the Program?
No, within the framework of the Program, you can study at only one IT-school or IT-company.
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