
Sergek Academy

Sergek Academy - Online IT courses from practitioners. Gain in-demand skills and real-world experience for a successful career in the IT world

3 Courses • 34 Quotas

About school

More on Sergek Academy

Sergek Academy is an educational center, part of the Sergek group of companies, specializing in training IT specialists for internal needs of the company and the market of Kazakhstan. Our educational programs are developed with the participation of practicing specialists, which ensures that students acquire up-to-date hard and soft skills. The programs include real working cases, which allows students to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. To support students' career development, Sergek Academy offers a unique internship opportunity: the best five students of each course get a chance to intern at Sergek Group companies. At the end of the internship, one or two of the most successful interns receive a job offer. Our graduates are employed in leading companies in the country, such as Sergek, Freedom Telecom, Smart Bridge, Halyk, Kaspi and Samgau, which confirms the high quality and relevance of training at Sergek Academy.

  • Practicing teachers

    All our teachers are practicing specialists in the Sergek Group and other leading IT companies in Kazakhstan.

  • Career development from the middle of the course

    Assistance in writing a resume and preparing for interviews. From the middle of the course, students apply for open positions and undergo interviews. Many students find work while studying.

  • Application of Modern Methodologies

    Students are provided with real/simulated problem situations that they must solve using acquired knowledge and skills.

  • Quality content

    All our courses are carefully designed together with our specialist practitioners so that graduates have the necessary hard and soft skills to work in IT companies in Kazakhstan.

  • Project work

    Project work to apply the acquired knowledge, evaluate the material learned and add to your portfolio.

  • Diploma project

    At the end of the course, students need to complete a diploma project, in which they will apply all the acquired knowledge in practice to solve a real work problem.

Sergek Academy