Android Developer

Brief description of the vacancy

Разработка приложения на Kotlin Android для Kaspi Pos

Basic requirements (education, skills)

Android programming experience of at least 3 years, including:

- Kotlin,

- Android SDK,

- Android module,

- Android JetPack,

- Kotlin Coroutines,


- - Dagger/Kain,

- Room,

- Git,

- Gradle;

- Understanding how android and libraries work under the hood;

- Device memory model;

- Modular approach to application development;

- Knowledge of OOP principles, Clean code, SOLID and design patterns;

- Intermediate knowledge of English.


Experience working with *nix systems, engineering skills.


What to do (functional responsibilities)

Development of an application on Kotlin Android for Kaspi Pos, including:

- introduction of new features;

- - participation in refactoring of existing code;

- participation in the evaluation of projects and tasks;

- prototyping of new devices;

- architectural tasks;

- unit tests.