юрист (Актау)

Brief description of the vacancy

MANAGER-LAWYER Structural division: Regional branch in Mangystau region

What we expect from the candidate

  • High-quality performance of functional duties

Basic requirements (education, skills)

  • Higher legal education;
  • At least 2 (two) years in the specialty, including in the field of claim work;
  • Knowledge of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including those regulating financial, banking and credit activities, as well as the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on private entrepreneurship, the ability to apply this knowledge in practice;
    Availability of skills in drafting contracts, preparing statements of claim/complaints/letters, etc.;
  • Representation of interests in court;
  • Business communication skills;
  • Analytical mindset;
  • Ability to work independently and in a team;
    Knowledge and skills of working on a computer - MS Office, mail applications and Internet resources at the level of an experienced user, knowledge of applied computer programs is desirable;
  • Knowledge of languages - Kazakh, Russian

What to do (functional responsibilities)

  • Carrying out checks of compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan of draft orders, contracts and other legal documents submitted for signature by the director of the regional branch; checking compliance with the stages of approval of draft documents with responsible employees; approval of draft documents; issuing instructions to responsible employees of the regional branch on the introduction of Kazakhstan;
  • Preparation and participation together with other structural divisions of the Fund in the preparation of draft regulations related to the activities of the regional branch of the Fund, if necessary, the Head Office of the Fund;
  • Preparation of opinions on legal issues arising in the course of the activities of the regional branch of the Fund;
  • Participation in the claim and claim work on the issues of the Fund's activities;
  • Conducting legal expertise on projects and preparing legal opinions;
  • Drafting of requirements, notifications of non-fulfillment of the main obligation, of auctions for mortgaged property, registration of notifications in the judicial authorities and their delivery to borrowers;
  • Compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, internal regulatory documents of the Fund, decisions of the bodies of Funds, orders and orders;
  • Drafting and working out together with other employees of the regional branch of the Fund of documents to be signed by interested parties;
  • Coordination of job descriptions of employees of the regional branch of the Fund;
  • Organization of legal support for the procurement of goods, works and services carried out by the regional branch of the Fund;
  • Provision of oral consultations to employees of the regional branch of the Fund on legal issues;
  • Providing employees of the regional branch of the Fund with information on the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organizing the study of legislation, other legal acts and local acts of the Fund by employees of the regional branch of the Fund;
  • Conducting legal expertise on projects and preparing legal opinions;
  • Upon termination of the employment contract or transfer to another structural subdivision, transfer to an employee determined by the director of the branch all the cases and documents under the act of acceptance and transfer of official affairs. At the same time, one copy of the signed act of acceptance and transfer of official files is transferred to the authorized structural subdivision for work with personnel with a bypass sheet, and the other copy is sent to the responsible employee for record keeping in the branch.
  • Respond 

What we offer (social package, benefits, bonuses)

  • KPI
  • Medical insurance