Ambassadors of Astana Hub started working in 15 cities of Kazakhstan

Regional representatives will promote startup culture in the regions and attract startups to the educational and business programs of Astana Hub.

At the end of September, regional community managers from 15 cities were trained at Astana Hub. In three days, the participants learned about the activities and programs of the technopark, learned how to work on a digital platform and trained to work in teams using Scrum and Agile methods.

Upon completion of the training, the ambassadors were given the task of holding a series of open meetings and consultations with regional startup communities.

  • I am an entrepreneur and founder of social school for teenagers Soile. I decided to become an ambassador of Astana Hub because I want to help aspiring entrepreneurs and startups from Aktobe develop their skills and achieve their goals, - notes Lyailya Islamova from Aktobe. - During the three days of training, I learned a lot about the hub's programs and how they can be useful to our local guys. I also received motivation to promote IT entrepreneurship, as I believe in the potential of my hometown.

Regional community managers - representatives of Astana Hub, who will build a community of people interested in technology entrepreneurship, startups and IT. Acquaintance with such concepts as startup, entrepreneurship, big data, coding will be the main focus of the events.

  • Previously, I worked in the financial sector, but at the moment I work in HR and was an IT recruiter. I really like the field of IT and management. I really hope that by becoming an Ambassador of Astana Hub, I will make a significant contribution to the development and prosperity of the IT industry in my region, - says Khamida Aripkhanova, a representative of Shymkent.

Astana Hub regional managers mainly work in such areas as education, social projects, IT management, entrepreneurship, etc. Ambassadors are united by their ability to organize events, build a community around themselves and the desire to develop a startup culture in their city.

Among them is the teacher of the Zhambyl Innovation Higher College Bakytzhan Kazangapov:

  • We have long wanted to become part of the IT community in our region, and now we have such an opportunity. “One in the field is not a warrior,” says ancient wisdom. I think that only collectively it is possible to solve local problems and develop the potential of young people.

The goal of the "community" managers program is to form a community of people interested in technological entrepreneurship.

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