Astana Hub and Turkish IT-technopark Bilisim Vadisi signed a memorandum of cooperation
Kazakh IT entrepreneurs, representatives of the international technopark of IT startups Astana Hub headed by the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bagdat Musin paid an official visit to the Republic of Turkey to strengthen bilateral cooperation.

During the visit, the Kazakh delegation visited the offices of the largest IT companies in Turkey - Hepsiburada, Yemeksepeti, Trendyol, Şekerbank, as well as the IT technopark Bilisim Vadisi.
Hepsiburada is the largest e–commerce platform in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region. This is a giant ecosystem that includes such areas as Hepsijet – delivery of goods, Hepsipay – provider of digital payment services, Hepsiexpress – delivery of food to the customer's door at the desired time, HepsiAd – advertising platform for brands, Hepsiglobal – electronic export, etc.
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